Study Group...

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Y/N arrived at the Library, pulling his work out of his satchel as he approached Hermione and Ginny.

"Mister L/N... May I have a word?" Madam Pince said as Y/N nodded, following her to her desk.

"Something wrong Ma'am?"

"Over the years you've frequently visited the library for studying purposes..." Madam Pince said as Y/N nodded.

"Yes, and I'm grateful to you for having me here." Y/N said as Pince nodded.

"I know you are, after reading recent articles of the Daily Prophet, I find it prudent that I ask you this simple favour in return. As you know we have an entire section dedicated to both the Quibbler and the Daily Prophet."

"Yes, I'm aware of it, it's come in useful on some occasions."

"Well, I would like you to go through the articles of the papers and sort which ones involve the Spanish Revolution or any of the other recent events that you have been caught up in. Once you've found them I want them brought to me so that I can... vet them. I feel that you don't want anyone knowing about your recent activities." Madam Pince said as Y/N looked at her.

"Ma'am, with due respect, half of everything printed in the Prophet is Hippogriff shit, the other half of it is a whimsical interpretation of the truth at best. Especially concerning my activities." Y/N said as Pince nodded.

"So you didn't kill 30 people when you tried to cross the border?"


"And you didn't kill another 75 people when you were defending a Spanish ministry convoy?"


"I would be the first to admit that the prophet rarely gets its facts right if ever, but it seems they're making an exception for your case Y/N, what their end goal is I can only guess, but I don't think you'll want your classmates figuring out what you do on the summer holidays." Madam Pince said as Y/N nodded.

"You're right, I don't."

"Very well. Let me know when you're finished." Madam Pince said as Y/N nodded, approaching Hermione and Ginny.

"Hey Y/N." Ginny said as she smiled at Y/N who looked at her and then to Hermione who looked up from her book.

"Y/N... is everything alright, you look concerned?"

"Um, Mione, Ginny, I need a favour from you both, but you need to promise that you won't tell anyone about it." Y/N said as the girls looked at Y/N. "I need someone to help me go through the prophet section and sort some stuff out, Pince isn't best pleased with some of the stuff in there and she wants to vet it to make sure it's all done properly."

"Why would you need us to help you with that and keep it a secret?" Ginny asked as Y/N paused.

"Let's just say some of the stuff you'll see might not be very flattering for me." Y/N said as the girls looked at one another before looking back to Y/N and nodding.

"Of course we'll help." Hermione said immediately, soon followed by Ginny.

The three of them went to the newspaper section of the library and looked at the countless shelves.

"So how do you suggest we do this?" Ginny asked as Y/N thought for a moment.

"We go from the most recent issue, look for anything regarding these subjects, put them in a pile here." Y/N said as he took down an issue of the paper and looked at the headline, seeing Cristiano Jesus celebrating, posing for the cameras, with a woman on his arm. His mind went back to Selena, thinking about how that poor girl gave her life fighting for her cause and believing that Cristiano lover her, the article was published a day after Aldo's defeat, Selena probably wasn't even cold in the ground when this picture was taken.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Ginny asked as she noticed Y/N's hand moving to his wand as he looked at the paper.

"I'm fine." Y/N said as he put the paper onto the scrap pile, he felt the pain in his shoulder play up from Azkaban, however he merely ignored it and continued to read all of the lies printed by the Prophet. "Fucking Prophet wouldn't know the truth if it overtook them, turned round and slapped them in the tits."

Hermione and Ginny looked at him and saw something about the articles he was reading was getting to him. He took a moment to take a breath and compose himself as he continued to sort through the papers, fighting back his emotions as he read through it all, every single lie the Prophet had printed about him, he piled each and every single one onto the pile while Hermione and Ginny helped him.

When they were finished Y/N levitated the pile over to Madam Pince who looked at him.

"Thank you Mr L/N, you and your friends may return to your studying." Madam Pince said as Y/N nodded, he went to leave when Madam Pince spoke again. "Y/N, I'm sorry for what you've been through."

"Me too Professor. Me too." Y/N said as he left, returning to Hermione and Ginny, joining them and studying for their upcoming Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson with Professor Lupin...

Study Group [Male Reader x Various/Harem]Where stories live. Discover now