The Second Task

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The next day, Y/N and Harry were sitting in the library, with Hermione and Luna helping them try and figure out a way to breathe underwater for an hour, while Neville was studying.

"Any luck?" Harry asked as he closed a book over.

"No. Nada." Y/N said as Moody arrived.

"Hate to break up the skull session. Professor McGonagall would like to see you." Moody said as he appeared around the corner. Harry and Y/N went to stand up but Moody shook his head. "Not you two, just Granger and Lovegood."

"But sir, The second task is only hours away--" Hermione protested.

"Exactly. Presumably Potter and L/N are well-prepared by now and could do with a good nights sleep. Go. Now!" Moody said, snapping at the end as Hermione reluctantly left, turning and blowing a kiss to Y/N who blew one back with a calm look on his face. "Longbottom, help Mr Potter and L/N put their books back."

Moody left as Neville arrived and began rambling on about plants, meanwhile he was getting even more suspicious of Moody, something just seemed off about him.

"I'm sure there's a plant that can actually help you, Harry, I just can't remember what it is." Y/N said as Harry looked at him.

"Well at least that would be a start. Wait, Neville, do you know any plants that can help us breath underwater for an hour, maybe a special Tibetan Turnip or something?"

"You could use Gillyweed." Neville said as Y/N snapped his fingers and pointed at Neville.

"That's it! Gillyweed! Neville, you're a bloody genius." Y/N exclaimed with excitement as the three boys began to make their plan. "I'm free to help however you need."

"Well, I think Professor Snape has some Gillyweed." Neville suggested as Y/N looked to Neville and then to Harry.

"I should have seen that one coming shouldn't I?" Y/N remarked.

He headed to the corridor where Snape kept all of his supplies, Y/N peaked around the corner and made sure that no one was there before sneaking to the supply cupboard and unlocking it.

As Y/N was looking for the Gillyweed, he heard footsteps approaching and Snape muttering to himself about something, Y/N in a moment of panic, jumped up and grabbed a ceiling beam and lay prone on top of it, peaking over the edge as Snape walked in and began rooting through his supplies, Y/N was holding his breath to help avoid detection as Snape gathered what ingredients he needed before leaving, murmuring to himself.

Y/N dropped down from the beam quietly and searched for the Gillyweed, eventually he found it and took a hand full. That was when he realised what was going to be taken from him and Harry... Hermione and Luna!

The task had arrived and Y/N was with Harry, waiting to dive into the water.

"Welcome to the second task. Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These six treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough, except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that, they'll be on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin!"

Y/N took the Gillyweed. Harry looked like he was having some sort of seizure as he fell into the water, Y/N jumped in along with the other contestants at the sound of the cannon, but Y/N made sure to check on Harry first.

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