A Favour To Ask

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The next day, Y/N was sat in the Malfoy's home next to Narcissa who was reading a book by the fire. He took a breath to speak but Narcissa cut him off with a raised finger.

He let his head fall slightly before his thoughts drifted to Hermione and the rest of the girls, he never got much of a chance to talk with them after he left them in the hands of the Weasleys. He went to stand up and leave only for Narcissa to raise her hand. She pointed back at the chair.

Y/N sat back in the chair when an owl arrived, Y/N looked at the hand writing.

'Dumbledore.' Y/N thought to himself as he looked opened the letter.


I understand that over the past few years I've given you little reason to trust me let alone help me, but I write now with the hope that maybe you would humour an old mans request for help, if for no other reason than it relates to the school year ahead and how smoothly everything runs. As I'm certain you're aware, the Hogwarts kitchens are staffed by house elves who are treated fairly in accordance with ideals that I've heard you share. Those who wish it so are paid fairly for their work, and those who wish to serve, serve the school. However, regardless of how much I respect their capabilities, I also know their limitations, it is in that regard I write to you, asking for your help, I would humbly like to request that you bring a few of the house elves that you have liberated to help with the upcoming year, they will be paid for their services naturally and they will be treated with respect while they are here.

If you wish to accept or discuss any further details, please feel free to visit me in my office at Hogwarts.

Kind regards,
Headmaster of Hogwarts,
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Y/N finished reading the letter and put it in his pocket.

"I'm going." Y/N said calmly as he stood up and went to leave. "Boring conversation anyway."

"Don't try and be snarky in this situation, it makes you look stupid, more so than you actually are." Narcissa said cruelly.

"I don't understand why you're so pissy with me all of a sudden!" Y/N said, raising his voice. "I've kept it quiet since this whole thing started, but I can't put my finger on why the fuck you're angry at me."

"Then you're as fucking stupid as Lucius thinks you are!" Narcissa snapped at him. "You were aiming to kill him-!"

"Kill who, Narcissa? Who was I aiming to kill?" Y/N asked as he walked towards her. "You know it may have escaped your notice lovie, but he was trying to kill me, and how do you think it would look to death eaters if I wasn't aiming to kill him, you're smarter than this Narcissa, they see me, me, of all people, they see me actively not trying to kill him, how do you think Death Eaters will react to that? Three guesses what they'll do to your husband?"

"They wouldn't suspect him of anything because there's nothing to suspect him of-"

"Right, so they wouldn't happen to start getting funny little ideas in their tiny racist minds when they notice that the boy who wants Lucius dead more than anyone else in the whole world is somehow just missing every fucking curse sent at him. Come on Narcissa."

"I told you not to kill him-"

"And I didn't, have you forgotten that?" Y/N asked as Narcissa looked at him. "I could have killed him but I just hardly scratched him. Which is better than he deserves mind you-"

"This isn't about what he deserves..."

"I was aiming to injure him, if I was aiming to kill him then he'd be dead already... Or do you honestly think I'm as sloppy as your husband thinks I am? It may have slipped your memory princess, but I've been doing this since your husband and his people helped Pansy hang me out to dry when I was fucking eight years old, and you don't make it this far without being good at this business, so I would appreciate it if you had a little trust in me, like I've had in you all this time! I've trusted you for my whole stay, I've trusted you on so many occasions Daphne and Hermione would be jealous. You're married to Lucius Malfoy, the one man who would want me dead no matter the cost, but at no point did I not trust you, and yet the one time I get into a fight with death eaters and scratch your precious blonde bell end of a husband, you decide you want to get all pissy with me? For what, not killing him? For sparing his lives and potentially putting myself on a plate for Death Eaters and holding them off for you and your son to escape?" Y/N snapped, Narcissa's face immediately shifted.


"Clearly I was wrong, all Malfoys are the same, just in their own little way. At least Lucius doesn't pretend to care about me. Go find someone else to manipulate. No wonder Draco's the way he is, a bastard for a father and a manipulator for a mother." Y/N said as he stormed off, with Narcissa looking at him leaving.

"Y/N you come back here right now!" Narcissa called out firmly but Y/N kept walking. "Y/N!"

Narcissa felt a tear roll down her cheek, realising she had driven Y/N away, her heart felt like it had a knife stuck in it.

Narcissa felt a tear roll down her cheek, realising she had driven Y/N away, her heart felt like it had a knife stuck in it

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"Y/N!" Narcissa called out as soon Y/N passed the wards surrounding the house and apparated away.

Narcissa  felt the tears fall down her cheek when she heard Draco's voice.

"Mother? What's wrong?" Draco asked as he approached his mother.

"Nothing Draco..., nothing you need to concern yourself with."

"It's Y/N isn't it, I heard him shouting."

"It's me Draco, I've been a fool and I've hurt you and Y/N." Narcissa said as Draco looked at her.

"What do you mean mother?"

"I wish I could tell you my little dragon, but if I did, it would hurt you more than a cruciatus. I just need you to let me handle this." Narcissa said as Draco looked at her and nodded, leaving. Narcissa looked off to where she had last seen Y/N and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I need to talk to Bellatrix."

Narcissa thought to herself before wondering how she would do so, given the fact that she didn't have any idea where the island Bellatrix and Sirius were living on was...

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