Rita Skeeter

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The flash of the camera went off in the eyes of the five contestants, with Y/N looking away.

"One more flash and I'm going to kill him." Y/N remarked to himself as the cameraman readied another shot, Y/N subtly cast a spell on the camera, the spell knocking the obnoxious cameraman on his arse. Harry looked to Y/N and smirked before speaking, neither listening to Skeeter.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked as Y/N nodded..

"Shame I couldn't set the bloody camera on fire." Y/N whispered as Harry smirked. "Well, I could, but they'd know it was me."

"What a charismatic Sextet. Hello, I'm Rita Skeeter." The journalist began as she shook hands with the champions.

Harry stormed out of the closet he was getting interviewed in followed by Skeeter who called Y/N in, he walked into the closet with her.

"Now, Y/N... no last name. Let's talk about why you, a sixteen year old-"

"I'm Eighteen." He said as Rita ignored her.

"Why would you a 16 year old would enter into this very dangerous tournament, perhaps you seek your family's approval, and you think that winning will gain you that approval? Or perhaps you were using your keen senses to follow the smell of romance in the air."

"It's not the smell of romance it's the smell of my Chanel No 5, my girlfriend's to blame there, And look, me and Harry didn't put our names in that cup." Y/N said as Rita chuckled to herself before winking.

"Don't worry, every body loves a rebel. Especially a rebellious underdog story. Speaking of your parents, what would your parents feel about you joining this tournament. Proud, or concerned. I mean, your attitude from records at best shows a pathological need for attention and praise and at worst a psychotic death wish." Rita said, not realizing she was treading close to the mark that he would say enough was enough. "Of course, you're close friends with Hermione Granger, a muggle born to boot, some people have described you two as very close. What would she say if she thought you were doing this to impress her, young romance, what would she say if she knew of your families past?-"

Y/N gave a smile at Skeeter for a moment.

Harry was outside trying to calm down when he heard a blood curdling scream, Skeeter came running out of the closet, screaming as she held up her hand which had her quill sticking through it. Y/N stepped out of the closet and had a wicked grin as he approached Harry and began talking to him, Harry explained what Ron had said the night before, revealing, missing out what Weasley had called her, more for his friends health than anything...

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