Open Up Your Heart...

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Y/N arrived at the Library to see the girls were already studying, he sat down at the seat Hermione and Ginny had saved for him.

They set about studying when he felt both girls move slightly closer to him, Y/N looked up at Luna working with the Patil twins. He turned to look at Ginny.

"You two okay?" Y/N asked as he moved his head, looking between Hermione and Ginny as they both giggled at how awkward he was acting right now.

"We're fine thank you Y/N." Ginny said as Y/N heard a laugh, he turned to the source and saw Padma Patil laughing with her sister, earning a glare and a shush from Madam Pince.

Y/N just shrugged before turning to his book, starting to write while Ginny and Hermione glanced over to one another and had a silent conversation, talking silently while Y/N just focused on his work.

"You do it-"

"- no you do it-"

"No, you do it." Hermione mouthed at Ginny. "Y/N, Ginny has something to ask you-"

"You bitch!" Ginny mouthed at Hermione who smirked to herself.

"Oh, what is it?" Y/N asked as Ginny looked him in the eyes before speaking.

"What would you think about me and Hermione going out together?" Ginny asked as Y/N paused for a moment.

"This is a trick question isn't it?" Y/N asked nervously.

"We're serious Y/N." Hermione stated.

"I think you two going out together is fine, if you two like one another that's your decision, I don't see why I should have any say in it." Y/N said as he turned back to his studies.

"So you don't have a problem with two girls going out with one another?" Hermione asked as Y/N took a breath.

"Riddles Curse means that there are very few men left in the world and even less being born per century, it's only natural that with a sparsity of male's to find love with, then eventually girls are going to eventually start finding love in females. It's not rocket science. I don't see why I would have a problem with two girls loving one another. I mean I'm hardly one to talk in the romance aspect of things, I've never been in a relationship. What you two do is your own business, just please don't start fucking on my desk while I'm trying to write, the legs are uneven and it wobbles enough as is." Y/N said as the girls laughed at the last comment.

"And what would you say if we told you that we also don't mind sharing a certain boy."

"I'd say you'd have to fight Cho to get to Harry." Y/N said as he continued to write, both girls rolled their eyes.

'Merlins beard he is clueless.' Hermione thought to herself as Ginny sighed before leaning over and kissing Y/N, who was shocked into inaction as he looked around. When the kiss broke, Y/N's cheeks were as red as a tomato before Ginny stood up and left, taking a deep breath, heading off to quidditch practice. Hermione, never to be outdone, leaned in, kissing Y/N who was less shocked, as he felt an even closer bond with Hermione given their adventures.

Hermione broke the kiss and smiled at him before standing up and leaving with a grin, Y/N mean while composed himself before he spoke.

"Yep, still go it." Y/N almost squeaked to himself in shock.

That was when he heard the Patil twins laughing with one another, he turned to see them looking at him

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That was when he heard the Patil twins laughing with one another, he turned to see them looking at him.

"I think Y/N's world just got a bit more complicated."

"Oi, I'm right here, and I'm not a simpleton you know." Y/N said as the two of them smirked.

"No, but you seriously don't think they're the only girls in the school interested in you do you? Once you go ahead with a relationship with them both, which you will because you're attracted to them both and have been for a while, almost every girl with a crush on you will be coming up to you and trying to snog you, and when you say that you're with someone, they will simply state that if they don't mind sharing you then they should expect it."

"I know, to which my reply may just be silence and walking away, it's worked in the past, it has never failed me." Y/N said as the girls smirked.

"Oh, congratulations on finding yourself a girlfriend... well, two." The Patil twins said as Y/N looked at them silently before standing up and leaving, his work was done.

He headed off to a transfiguration study session with Professor McGonagall and a few other students, sitting at the back of the class where he went to work, taking notes and writing, answering as many questions as he could, when the study session was over, McGonagall kept him behind for a few moments.

"Something wrong professor?" Y/N asked as he packed his books away.

"I'm certain that by now you know how fast rumours spread through Hogwarts?" McGonagall asked as Y/N paused.

"I do. Sorry professor, is there something I can help you with?"

"Word is that you were seen kissing both Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger in the Library?" McGonagall said calmly.

"Well I've never heard it called that before." Y/N joked as McGonagall fixed him with a look that told him she knew. "Yes, well, it was more a case of them kissing me when I wasn't expecting it."

"Well, either way, it is creating quite the buzz around you in particular. I just want to let you know, and hopefully warn you that Mr Malfoy would take news like this as a prime opportunity to try and annoy you."

"His mere existence is a prime opportunity to annoy me." Y/N remarked, this time McGonagall gave a slight smirk.

"I'll leave the matter there, just one more thing Y/N, congratulations, and good luck." McGonagall said as Y/N smiled.

"Thank you professor." Y/N said as he left, slinging his bag over his shoulder and heading to the quidditch pitch to join Ron, Harry, and Ginny in quidditch practice...

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