McGonagall's Decision...

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Y/N was sitting in McGonagalls office looking around the place as she went through her routine of cleaning up the class. He looked to her desk and saw a collection of folders and papers on her desk.

"Now, Mr L/N, I'd like to discuss a delicate matter with you, concerning your family."

Y/N scoffed.

"What family?" Y/N remarked as McGonagall looked at him. "The only family member I had is dead. The rest are no family of mine."

"That is what I wish to discuss with you, there are certain elements in your Hogwarts future that will require your parents or a legal guardians signature. which is why I'd like to discuss this with you." McGonagall said as Y/N looked at the form.

"What is this?"

"Adoption papers. Dumbledore told me about your... unique situation last year." McGonagall said as Y/N looked at her.

"He told you?" Y/N asked with shock.

"Yes, he told me everything."

"Did he explain-" Y/N began before McGonagall spoke up.


"And you're still... you still want this?" Y/N asked as McGonagall nodded. "Why?"

"Because I say it's about time you had a family again, or at the very least a mother." McGonagall said as Y/N paused for a moment. "I understand this is an important decision, I'll give you some time to decide, when you make your decision, come to me and let me know."

Y/N nodded for a moment, standing up and taking the papers with him, as he reached the door, McGonagall spoke up.

"Y/N... if you were to accept you can still see your other family, just in case you were worried about that." McGonagall said as Y/N turned and smiled at the professor.

"Don't worry, I wasn't worried about them, in any way." Y/N said as he left stepping out of McGonagall's office and heading towards the Gryffindor common room.

He entered the common room and headed up to the dorms, sitting on his bed and looking at the papers for a few minutes when he heard the door open, he moved swiftly, putting the papers in his bedside drawer and putting a ward on it to prevent anyone getting to them. As he looked to the door Y/N saw Harry walk in.

"All right Harry?"

"Yeah, what was that you put in the drawer?" Harry asked as Y/N thought for a moment.

"Some papers. Nothing to worry you about." Y/N said as he put his feet up and pulled out a chocolate frog. "Want half?"

"Sure." Harry said as Y/N caught the frog in mid-air and split it in half, handing one half to Harry.

"Are you okay? Normally you're like this in October."

"I'm fine, just... a lot on my mind is all, and don't start getting all funny about October, people have lost teeth over that." Y/N said as Harry nodded.

"Fair enough. You know though, we're here for you mate."

"Don't go getting all sappy on me please." Y/N said as he took a bite from the chocolate frog. "What's your prediction for the Quidditch Tomorrow?"

"We're against Slytherin aren't we?" Harry asked as Y/N gave an affirmative hum. "Not sure, but I don't think they're likely to play fair. They might ask Daphne Greengrass to play nude just to distract you-"

Before Harry could finish a sweet flew at him and hit him in the centre of the forehead.

"Don't talk about Daphne like that." Y/N said as he looked to Harry who saw through the tough act and saw something in his eyes.

As Y/N finished his chocolate frog, he sighed.

"You dickhead. You'll have me thinking about that all night now." Y/N said as Harry smirked. "Mind you, I'd like to meet the man who can make Daphne do anything that she doesn't want to."


"So I can punch him for making her do something she didn't want to." Y/N said as the door opened. "Night Potter."

"Night Y/N." Harry said as the remaining four Gryffindor boys in their year entered the room. Y/N closed the curtains and put his privacy wards up before going to sleep, which proved to be somewhat difficult thanks to the image Harry had put in Y/N's head.

"I'm gonna kill him if I can't get to sleep tonight." Y/N remarked to himself as he tried to get to sleep...

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