Boys Day In

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As Y/N was waiting in the courtyard, with Daphne sitting next to him.

"You get it signed?" Daphne said as Y/N nodded.

"No." Y/N said as he looked to her. "I don't think Harry could get his signed either."

"I'm sure he'll find a way, he always does." Daphne said as Y/N smiled at her.

"Your know you don't have to be scared of that, don't you?" Y/N said as he looked at Daphne.

"I know, doesn't stop me from being terrified of it." Daphne said as she leaned her head onto Y/N's shoulders.

"Y/N, I know I like to act like a cold heartless bitch... but... I worry about you Y/N, especially recently with the hunt in Spain, Sirius and Bellatrix, I'm terrified something will happen to you." Daphne said as Y/N nodded.

"I know." Y/N said as Daphne nodded. Students arrived, with McGonagall joining them.

"Bring your forms in please." McGonagall said as Y/N looked to McGonagall who looked at his form, seeing it was signed by him.

"Mr L/N, you know I cannot accept this-"

"Professor, I don't have a family, remember officially I'm my own guardian." Y/N said as Minerva looked at him.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but I cannot accept this." McGonagall said as Y/N sighed.

Y/N, Daphne, Ron, and Hermione were talking when Harry arrived and tried to hand in the slip to McGonagall.

"No permission form signed, no visiting the village. That's the rule, Potter." McGonagall said as Y/N looked at her and sighed.

"But professor, I thought that if you signed it, then I could go." Harry suggested.

"I can't. Only a parent or a guardian can sign. Since I am neither, it would be inappropriate." McGonagall said as Y/N had an idea.

"Professor, would you hold the carriage for just a minute." Y/N said as he took Harry's form and ran through the corridors as fast as he could indoors, reaching professor Dumbledore's office, as he entered the office the headmaster was sitting at his desk looking at the door.

"Ah, Y/N, the paintings said you were in a hurry to come here." Dumbledore said as Y/N nodded.

"I need you to sign Harry's Hogsmeade slip." Y/N said bluntly as the headmaster looked up at him.

"I cannot. Only a parent or a guardian-"

"Legally you took on the responsibility of being his guardian as well as the Dursleys, so sign the form and I'll be on my way." Y/N said as he looked Dumbledore in the eye.

"I'm afraid it is not as simple as that Y/N."

"I'm afraid I couldn't give a shit how simple or not it is, just do it." Y/N said coldly as he put the form on the desk.

"Careful with your tone Y/N." Dumbledore said as Y/N looked at him.

"Why should I be?"

"A little respect goes a long way-"

"... then earn it, because right now all I can see is a manipulative old man living off of his past glory and looking to take even more glory even if it costs lives and childhoods." Y/N said as he looked at Dumbledore. "I know about Riddle's Horcruxes, and I know how to kill the bastard. Give me till the end of next year, and I'll have killed the son of a bitch. Now, are you signing or not?"

"I can't sign." Dumbledore insisted as Y/N nodded.

"Useless old fart." Y/N remarked as he left.

Y/N returned to the courtyard to see Harry standing alone.

"I tried Harry." Y/N said as Potter nodded.

"Thanks. What...what did you try to do?"

"I tried to get a teacher to sign it." Y/N said as he lit a cigarette. "The carriages gone?"

"Yeah, they just left. I'm betting you could catch up if you tried." Harry said as Y/N shook his head.

"No...Let Daphne, Hermione, and Ron have a girls day out." Y/N said as Harry looked at him.

"You just said Ron's with them."

"Exactly, a girls day out." Y/N said with a smirk earning a chuckle from Harry. "Besides, I've been on shopping trips with Daphne before, I don't envy anyone having to carry her bags."

"The things we do for love." Harry said as Y/N looked at him. "I know."

"Former love, me and Daphne have been finished for years." Y/N said as Harry nodded. "Not a soul." 

"Of course... but I'm definitely teasing you, especially after that joke in class earlier." Harry said calmly as they both went to the quidditch lockers and got their brooms out, deciding to round together those that would play for a quidditch game. 

Later, Harry and Y/N were on the bridge with Professor Lupin as they were talking and enjoying the fresh air.

"Professor, can I ask you something?" Y/N asked as Lupin seemed to already know the question.

"You want to know why I allowed you to leave the lesson early, yes? Because Y/N, thanks to the nature of your life, your job, everything, you've experienced a lot of darkness, seen true horror, I was fine with you facing the boggart because I thought it would take the shape of a monster that you feared, and in truth, it took the shape of something much worse. You've had fear mostly ground out of you by your life experiences, but that is the one thing that may never leave unless directly addressed, you saw something truly horrifying. You're afraid that your predetermined future means that you will hurt those close to you if you allow yourself to have a relationship, believe me, I know that fear. So I know how hard it hits you sometimes, that, Y/N, is why I allowed you to leave early."

"I'm afraid it's not a fear and more an inevitability with me." Y/N said as Lupin smiled.

"Y/N, you need to let yourself take those risks and face these things head on, or else you'll end up alone and with no one to call upon or with no happy memories to cling on to in Azkaban." Lupin said as Y/N chuckled.

"Azkaban." Y/N scoffed as Lupin looked at him. 

"You should go and meet your friends, they'll be returning soon." Lupin said as Y/N nodded.

"Actually, do you mind if I ask you something Professor?" Harry said as Y/N figured it would probably be private if he was waiting until Y/N was leaving.

"I'll see you down there Harry." Y/N said as Potter nodded. Y/N was walking through the corridors alone when he heard a bark, he simply dismissed it as Fang roaming around as he walked down to the courtyard to meet his friends...

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