The Leaky Cauldron

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Y/N was in the middle of reading the papers when he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Y/N!" Hermione's voice called out as he turned to see her, he looked at her, and felt his heart flutter, after everything, Hermione, Daphne and Astoria were just the people he needed to see to help him start getting back to his usual self. Hermione smiled at him as she rushed towards him.

"Hermione!" Y/N said as they hugged and sat down next to each other

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"Hermione!" Y/N said as they hugged and sat down next to each other. "Good to see you. You look good."

Hermione blushed slightly and smiled.

"You well, not that you normally look bad or anything, just..." Hermione said as there was an awkward tension between them both for a moment before Y/N noticed Daphne and Ginny smiling. 

"It's okay, I get what you mean. So, how was your summer?"

"It good actually--" Hermione was interrupted as a ginger cat jumped up onto the table and began to cuddle up to Hermione. "Oh, this is Crookshanks. He's mine."

"Hello, Crookshanks." Y/N said as he began petting Crookshanks, the cat spotted Scabbers and shot off after the rat.

"I'm warning you both, if keep those bloody beast's of yours away from Scabbers, or I'll turn them into tea cosies!" Ron shouted as Y/N and Hermione sighed while picking their cats up.

"I'd like to see you try." Y/N said calmly as he petted his cat.

"They're cats, Ronald. What do you expect? It's in their nature."

"Cat's? Is that what they told you? They look more like pigs with hair if you ask me."

"Well, it takes one to know one." Y/N remarked before he spotted Harry walking down the stairs. "Harry!"

"Harry!" Hermione shouted with joy.

"Harry!" Ron also shouted with joy.

Y/'s cat, simply named Cat, jumped from Y/N's arms and climbed onto Harry's shoulder, snuggling up to him.

"Ron if this cat keeps betraying me like this Scabbers is only going to have to worry about one cat." Y/N said as Daphne slapped him on the arm.

"Don't be an idiot." She said as she went back to playing Cards with Astoria. Ron began telling Harry about his holidays in Egypt while Y/N spoke with Hermione and her parents. They were in the middle of a conversation when Arthur Weasley approached them.

"So sorry to interrupt, could I borrow Y/N for a tick?" Arthur said as the Grangers smiled and nodded. Y/N followed Arthur who took both him and Harry aside to talk in private. "Looking forward to a new term?"

"Yeah, it should be great." Harry said as they turned to Y/N.

"Overjoyed to find out how someone's gonna try and kill us all this year, still, at least Riddles waited until the end of the school year to pull his stunts, he has some respect for education." Y/N said as Arthur Weasley stopped in front of them.

"Boys, there are some within the Ministry who would strongly discourage me from divulging what I'm about to reveal to you. But I think that you both need to know the facts. You are both in danger. Grave danger."

"Is this about Sirius and Bellatrix Black, sir?" Harry asked. Arthur looked around like he was nervous just talking about the subject. Y/N as a reaction to the mention of his former cell mates, spat in disgust.

"What do you know about Sirius and Bellatrix Black, boys?" Arthur asked, looking to Y/N.

"Only that they've escaped from Azkaban." Harry answered.

"Do you know why?" They both shook their heads. "17 years ago, when Harry stopped..."

"Voldemort." Harry finished.

"Don't say his name."

"It's not going to kill you Arthur. Anyway, I already know how we're going to kill him for good." Y/N said as he looked to Harry and then to Arthur.

"Sorry." Harry apologised to Mr Weasley.

"When you stopped...You-Know-Who, Black lost everything, but to this day they remain faithful servants. And in their mind, you two are the only things that stand in the way of...You-Know-Who returning to power. And that is why they have escaped from Azkaban. To find you both."

"And kill us." Harry finished as Y/N sighed.

"Fuck it, that's not true. Arthur. Sirius is innocent. At least of this, he's no follower of Voldemort. And Bellatrix... Bellatrix, she was just unfortunate."

"Y/N-" Arthur said as Y/N looked at him.

"Arthur, considering what's happened to me recently, if I had the chance to talk shit about them, I would do it in a heartbeat, you know the details of their escape, so you know I have a right to want them dead more than anyone else, but I refuse to allow Harry to worry about something like this when it's undue worry and the people you claim are after him are innocent for the most part." Y/N said as he looked Arthur in the eyes. "Now, you can tell Dumbolddork and his friends in your little club from the old days that I will discuss Sirius Black with Harry when I get the chance to speak to him in private."

Arthur tried to shift focus.

"Boys, I want you to swear to me that whatever either of you might hear, either of you won't go looking for Black." Arthur said, it sounded like he was practically pleading them.

"Sorry Arthur, but that's a promise I respect you too much to make. I'd be lying." Y/N said as he looked at him. "In fact, Harry, with me. We need to talk." 

"Y/N, Dumbledore-"

"Dumbledore can eat a buffet of dicks for all I care, Harry here has a right to know, and as much as I hate Sirius, I owe Harry this much." Y/N said as he looked at the Weasley father and led Harry up to a room, he needed to discuss this with Potter before things got too confusing for Harry and he couldn't tell friend from foe...

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