The Old Saying...

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Y/N arrived back at Hogwarts with the girls all rushing to him, hugging him as he smiled.

"Careful I'm soaked through." Y/N said as McGonagall approached, seeing Y/N was soaked, she shook her head. "Hello Aunt Minnie."

McGonagall just looked at him and sighed.

"Go and dry yourself out... Stupid Boy." McGonagall said as Y/N chuckled. He started walking and the girls began following him but McGonagall stopped them. "Not you girls, I know what you all get up to with him in the showers, I want to talk to him when he's done, you can all come with me to my office though. You too Mr Potter."

A short while later, Y/N arrived at McGonagall's classroom washed, dried and dressed.

"You wished to speak with us Auntie?" Y/N said as Minerva nodded.

"Yes, it's concerning your soul bonds. I wish to know how they came to be, I know you have kissed the girls on multiple occasions before and they haven't formed, so, what makes this time different?" Minerva said as she sat at her desk with a quill and parchment.

"I wasn't exactly awake for it." Y/N said as Harry spoke up.

"I told Ginny to kiss Y/N, he was about to die, and I... I didn't want him to go out with the Marriage Contract on his mind, so I thought it was worth one final try." Harry said as Y/N looked at him.

"That may be Lord Potter, but that does not explain how the bond is now just suddenly forming." McGonagall said as she looked at Hermione who looked to be in deep thought. "Is everything all right Miss Granger?"

"Yes Professor, I'm just thinking back to that day, trying to figure it out." Hermione said as McGonagall looked to Daphne.

"Any thoughts Miss Greengrass?" McGonagall asked as Daphne paused.

"Nothing concrete yet Professor." Daphne said as she looked at Y/N.

"Maybe it was Harry's blessing for Ginny to do it?" Astoria suggested as she looked around.

"Perhaps." McGonagall said as she turned to Narcissa who was oddly quiet. "Knut for them Narcissa?"

"In all my time studying medicine, I've never seen anything like it, a group soul bond." Narcissa said as she looked at Y/N. "That's a first... then again Y/N never really does things in halves."

"This could be to do with the emotion behind it." Y/N suggested, everyone turned to look at him.

"What? Every kiss before that you didn't love us?" Daphne asked with a raised brow.

"Not that. There's an old muggle saying, "You don't realise how much you love something until you're about to lose it." What if that is what's happening here? For all the girls knew, they were about to lose me, my last thought was about them before it all went black."

"That would make a certain amount of sense." Hermione stated. "Heightened states of fear for someone you care about often can lead to your feelings for them being intensified and even other emotions, according to psychiatrists."

Most people looked at her.

"...My parents have a lot of friends in the health service, and they attend a lot of meetings." Hermione said nervously as Y/N smiled.

"Y/N's theory must be right, Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Astoria said as she looked at them.

"But we haven't eliminated any theories." Daphne said as Y/N looked at them.

"You haven't, I have. Think about it Daphne, it can't just be because of Harry's permission for Ginny to kiss me therefore it helps against the contract. If this was about permission you and I would have had a bond before we reached Hogwarts. That eliminates permission. Leaving the only other theory we have, the emotion. If emotion isn't the sole reason behind the bonds, then it's the two reasons we've given." Y/N said as Hermione shook her head.

"No, permission doesn't play a part into this... my parents haven't given their blessing on us yet, meaning that counts the permission angle out." Hermione said as Ginny nodded.

"Mine too. Fred and George have said they're fine with it though." Ginny said as Y/N nodded.

"Meaning it was the emotion. You never know how much you love something until you're about to lose it." Y/N said as they all nodded in agreement. "Shit..."

"Y/N..." Minerva warned at the curse word.

"I've got to talk to all your parents." Y/N said as the girls all looked at one another and gulped when they realised they would also have to meet one another's parents, Harry meanwhile smirked and shook his head, approaching Y/N.

"I'll get the shovel, shall I?" Harry said with a smirk as he left...

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