The Three Broomsticks

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Y/N was in the Three Broomsticks with his butterbeer in hand, smirking as Harry paid for the butterbeers for everyone. Y/N was doing his best to not look smug.

As Y/N was sat with Ginny and Hermione, Harry was sat across from them with Cho

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As Y/N was sat with Ginny and Hermione, Harry was sat across from them with Cho.

"Wonder where Ron is?" Harry said as he looked to the empty seat at the table.

"I don't know, and right now, I'm not much bothered." Y/N muttered under his breath as he sipped his drink, Ginny and Hermione heard him and wondered why Y/N had said that.

They continued their drinks and eventually Ron turned up, looking at Y/N briefly before sitting down. Y/N and Hermione were talking Arythmancy, both of them in deep conversation about something that seemed to fly over the heads of pretty much everyone but Cho.

They were in the middle of talking when everyone stopped, Y/N thought nothing of it until he heard a familiar voice and could smell a familiar smell, he took a few sniffs, as if he was seeking confirmation.

"She's here isn't she." Y/N said as Harry nodded.

Immediately Y/N turned to see the familiar beautiful eyes of a particular blonde Slytherin bombshell

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Immediately Y/N turned to see the familiar beautiful eyes of a particular blonde Slytherin bombshell.

"Greengrass." Y/N said stoically. "I knew I could smell the sulphur from your cloven hooves."


It was no small secret that Y/N and The Greengrass heiress had a... complicated history, and in a school where almost every secret was revealed or rumoured to the point it was blown out of proportion, that saying something.

"What brings you here? They don't serve the blood of a new born as a drink here." Y/N said as Daphne gave a small smile as she looked at him, her flowing blonde hair and her beautiful eyes only served to assist her natural beauty.

"Ah, I've missed your wit Y/N."

"No you haven't." Y/N said as Daphne smirked.

"You know me so well-" Daphne said in her usual measured tone.

"Yes, I also know how to make Holy Water, so what do you want, or do I have to dunk you in blessed water?"

"If you want to see me with a wet top or topless you needn't go to such extreme measures." Daphne said as Harry stood up and approached Y/N.

"Y/N, resist, resist." Potter said as he glanced at the Slytherin temptress.

"I'm resisting."

Daphne smirked. She noticed Ron standing from his seat.

"What if I wanted to see-" Ron immediately reacted when Daphne drew her wand and pointed it at his groin, muttering a spell, Ron rushed out of the pub with frozen balls from Daphne's spell.

"I want to talk to you about helping me help you. It appears we both have a mutual enemy that we both can't wait to see the back of. Maybe if you help me and do a good job, you'll be seeing the back of me, though a bit closer." Daphne said as Y/N cleared his throat. Ginny and Hermione stood up and stood next to Y/N. "Relax girls, I wouldn't mind sharing Y/N with you, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"You had your chance Greengrass." Potter said as Y/N tried to remain composed.

"Y/N. Would you please put your little ventriloquist doll back in his box." Daphne said as she looked at Y/N.

"Who is it that you think is our mutual enemy?"

"I'm not going to reveal who my target is in the middle of a busy pub, least of all with present company. Come now Y/N, we were engaged for a year, I'd hope you know me well enough to know that at least." Daphne said as she looked at Y/N before using her hand to throw some of her hair over her shoulder. "Meet me at our classroom, tomorrow after last lesson, don't be late. Now, I had best be off, enjoy your drink, Y/N, Weasley, Granger. Ciao."

Y/N looked at Daphne, watching her walk away, swaying her hips.

"She's a master at that." Ginny said as everyone watched Daphne, their eyes glued to her figure. Y/N turned back to his drink and started drinking it, the rest of their group returning to their drinks, with Ronald returning in and even worse mood than before, Y/N left the pub soon with Hermione and Ginny on his arms, laughing and joking with them as they practically dragged him to a shop, insisting they had found him his Christmas present...

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