Escape To The Countryside: Revolution Special

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Y/N arrived at the house of the young girl that he and Victor rescued.

"No pesa mucho. Esta bien, mama. Esta bien. (Not heavy. Okay, mom. This is fine.)"  A girl said as her mother shook her head.

"No, no."

"Ah, Señor L/N! ¡Mama, papa, este es el Ingles que me salvo! (Mom, Dad, this is the Englishman who saved me'!)" The young girl who Y/N had saved said as her father approached him and shook his hand gratefully, Y/N looked around as the family packed their bags.

"Muchas gracias! My family is indebted to you. Forgive my English." The Girls father said.

"What's happening?" Y/N asked.

"Great and terrible things! The revolution is coming! The country will be in turmoil once more. This time, we hope is the last time." The girl said. "I forgot to introduce myself, My name is Selena Nuella,"

"Y/N L/N. Does that seem likely? That this will be the last time?"

"With Cristiano Jesus, anything is possible!" Selena said enthusiastically.

"Where is your family going?" Y/N asked as he pointed to a carriage being loaded with supplies.

"My parents and my brother are headed to the hills. My sister has to flee. The Ministry has an unfortunate way of treating women." Selena said as Y/N looked to her.

"And you?" Y/N asked.

"Don't worry about me, Mr. L/N. I am living in history. I am not afraid to die." Selena said proudly.

"Your nobility's almost as affecting as your naivety." Y/N said bluntly.

"I would rather be dead than a cynic like you, Mr. L/N."

"I would too..." Y/N said calmly.

"I know you're not really like that. You saved me." Selena said as Y/N gave a brief smile.

"Selena. ¿Quien va a salvar a Maria? Tenemos que llevarla al puerto! Su barco sale al anochecer. ¡No queda tiempo! (Who will save Maria? We have to get to port! Your boat departs at dusk. There's no time!)" 

"Mr. L/N, can I ask one more favor of you? Can you take my sister to the docks? We are sending her to work for a kind man in Malta. She is too young for revolution." Selena asked as Y/N thought for a moment, looking to Maria before mentally cursing himself, he knew he didn't have time to play hero.

"Okay. Anything I can do to help out." Y/N said as he nodded.

"The boat leaves at sundown. Maria, vamos."

"Adios, Maria. Ten cuidado! (Beware!)"  Mrs Nuella called out.

"Emilio works as a driver. We will take his stagecoach." Maria said as they all mounted the coach, with Y/N climbing into the drivers seat. "Let's go. Before I change my mind."

As they set off they spent a few minutes on the road before they ran into a checkpoint.

"Paren! Papeles! Esta camino esta prohibito! (Stop! Papers! This road is prohibited!)" An Auror said as Y/N heard Maria whisper.

"What do they want now? Act normal. It's nothing to worry about." Maria instructed.

"Te conozco! Eres una pinche rebelde! (I know! You're a fucking rebel!)" The guard yelled, immediately Y/N had drawn his gun and shot the guard in the face, handing the reins over to Maria.

"Disparen! No los dejen escapar! (Shoot! Do not let them escape!)" The guards yelled until he was shot.

The carriage sped along the road, with Y/N shooting any Aurors who came after them, they passed several roadblocks before reaching their final checkpoint.

"Gracias a Dios! (Thank the lord!) We made it in time. Thank you for everything! Will I see you when I return?" Maria asked as she hugged Y/N.

"Not likely. I'm not planning on stayin' very long." Y/N said plainly.

"In some other life, then." Maria said with a smile as Y/N got her belongings from the carriage and handed it to her.

"Maybe. You should get going. Travel safely." Y/N said as he handed Maria her belongings and she boarded a small boat that would take her to Britain and then she would cross the channel into France...

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