A Quiet Talk

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Y/N awoke the next morning to see the top of three heads of hair, one blonde, one brunette, and the other ginger, all three were resting their heads on his chest, he chuckled before leaning down and kissing each of the girls. As he leaned in and kissed Hermione, the bushy haired bookworm woke up and leaned up to kiss Y/N tenderly.

Hermione looked at Daphne and Ginny who were still sleeping before smiling.

"Do you think they had much sleep?" Hermione whispered earning a loving smile off of Y/N. His eyes glanced to Daphne and then to Ginny.

"I don't know. Let's give them a lie in though." Y/N said said as he climbed out of bed without waking Ginny and Daphne, he summoned a small table and chairs out of earshot from Daphne and Ginny in order to not wake them both up.

As Hermione was getting washed and dressed, Y/N made them both drinks with Y/N making himself a hot chocolate and making Hermione a glass of fresh orange juice. He sat down at the table and looked over at Daphne's sleeping form.

Hermione returned and sat down next to Y/N at the small table, noticing his look at Daphne.

"Can I ask you something Y/N?" Hermione said as Y/N turned to look at her.

"You never need to ask permission Hermione. What is it?" Y/N said as Hermione smiled at him before speaking.

"You and Daphne seem... complicated, what's that about?" Hermione asked as Y/N smiled.

"Myself and Daphne were betrothed to each other at one point-"

"Everyone knows that, I mean, there's more to it. I can see that much just looking at you both interact."

"Well, um... She and I have known each other since we were just toddlers. We've been friends since then. Me, Daphne, Astoria, Pansy Parkinson, and Draco Malfoy all used to be friends, me, the Greengrass's and Malfoy especially, thick as thieves." Y/N paused for a moment before shaking his head. "It's... It's complicated Hermione."

Hermione saw a small tear fall down Y/N's cheeks. She had spent a lot of time with Y/N, she'd rarely ever seen him cry, save for one occasion. In second year when she was petrified by the basilisk. Hermione reached her hand over to his.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." Hermione said as Y/N nodded silently. "It's strange... I've never seen you like this before, apart from second year."

"Yeah. I'm sorry Hermione, it... it hurts to talk about it." Y/N said as Hermione nodded.

They spent the next 15 or so minutes drinking calmly, talking about their studies when Hermione suggested Y/N go and get ready for the day and she would wake Daphne and Ginny up. Y/N agreed and went to the small shower that the room summoned before getting in and turning the water on which was at just the perfect temperature for him, he took a deep breath before starting to get washed, stepping out a few minutes later and putting on a fresh uniform before joining Hermione at the door.

"we'll see you two in the Great Hall for breakfast." Hermione said as Daphne and Ginny both nodded as they sipped a coffee, Y/N and Hermione went down to the Great Hall for breakfast and to await the arrival of Daphne, Ginny, and their friends...

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