Birthday (1/2)...

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Okay, just a quick thing to say, Y/N's age has been pushed up a year due to Wattpad changing the terms of conduct, as I already have 31 chapters set after Y3 written out where characters engage in smut, apologies for confusion, but I'm merely trying to keep this thing within Wattpads guidelines.

Y/N awoke the next day to his shoulder being shaken by Harry.

"What?" Y/N groaned as he opened his eyes.

"Happy 17th Birthday Y/N." Harry said with a smile as Y/N rolled his eyes.

"Piss off Potter, let me have a lie in." Y/N said as he rolled back over and closer his eyes. Harry smirked.

A few seconds later Y/N was awoken by a jet of water spraying him.

"CURSE YOU FOR BREATHING YOU SLACK JAWED IDIOT!" Y/N yelled as he sat up and saw Daphne and Hermione standing there with a smirking Harry stood next to them. "Daphne? How did you..?"

"Professor McGonagall gave me permission to visit you in your dorm, considering our history, she gave it to me last night. She also said to give you this." Daphne said with her usual cocky smirk.

I, Professor Minerva McGonagall, hereby give permission for Y/N to take anyone he chooses to the three broomsticks. P.S Y/N I know you'll read this note as your friend Greengrass assured me, so I know you'll have seen my upcoming warning... NO ALCOHOL!

Enjoy your birthday.

"So Y/N what do you want to do for the day?" Daphne said as Y/N looked at her, she was still wearing her green silk dressing gown with black accents. Ron woke up and looked and saw Daphne. Y/N meanwhile, looked at the woman who he once called his wife, his mind going places that were dangerous for the health of most boys, except him, Daphne seemingly caught on to his thoughts and smirked before walking closer to him, she whispered in his ear. "I know a good quiet place for later, for now, let's spend time with your little friends, you can get a kiss from me later."

"I thought we were..."

"We are, but well, I feel like treating myself, and it's your birthday, besides, we both know there's still something there." Daphne said as Y/N looked at her. "For today, no Ice Queen, just your old friend. I'll go and get dressed."

As Daphne left, she swayed her hips, catching the eyes of everyone in the room, even Hermione.

"Y/N, didn't you and Daphne break up-" Ron went to speak before a sweet hit him in the middle of the forehead. "OW!"

"That was for your own health Weasley." Y/N said as he looked to Ron. "The sulphur marks left the outline of her cloven hooves on the floor."

"Can I ask then?" Hermione asked as Y/N looked at her. "What exactly is it with you two?"

"It's hardly a secret, but me and Daphne were betrothed to one another when we were both 12 years old, marriage contract. We broke up last year, the end." 

"What about the contract-"

"We both agreed to end the contracts, making our separation perfectly legal." Y/N said as he looked at everyone who all looked like they were expecting more. "If you wish to know more... tough, my history is my own"

Y/N left, showering and dressing before he stepped out into the common room and sighing, he sat on the couch and decided to catch up on his sleep when he heard a squeak. He opened his eyes and looked at the source of the noise.

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