Yule Ball #2

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Y/N and Hermione were dancing together, looking into one another's eyes as Pansy Parkinson looked on in jealousy, while Ron Weasley was seething at the side of the room, hatred written all over his face, he had been forced to bring his Aunt Muriel.

As the next dance started up Y/N and the girls swapped partners, with Y/N swapping to Ginny, Hermione swapping to Astoria, and Daphne Dancing with Tracey.

"What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?" Y/N joked as Ginny smiled and laughed.

"Trying to make sure my boyfriend doesn't go to prison for killing my brother." Ginny said as Y/N smiled.

"No promises darling." Y/N said as Ginny frowned.


"Well I'm trying to phase out sugar tits." Y/N said with a joke as Ginny smiled at him.


"Yeah, but I'm your idiot." Y/N said as he leaned in and kissed her. Ginny nodded.

"This is true." She said with a smile before looking at Y/N.

"You look beautiful tonight... not that you don't always look beautiful... crap." Y/N said as Ginny blushed at him.

"I knew what you meant." She said as she leaned in and kissed him when they heard Muriel's Voice.

"Excuse me-" Muriel said as she stood there looking at Y/N and Ginny dancing.

"It's alright, I don't think anyone heard it." Y/N said as Ginny looked at him in wide eyes.

"Ahem!" Muriel cleared her throat loudly as Ginny looked at Y/N.

"Y/N, this aunt Muriel."

"Yes, and I can't help but notice your womanizing ways with your friends and my niece." Muriel said as Y/N raised one of his brows before turning to Ginny who shrugged.

"Really. Well, Ginny here is happy dancing with me, I can't help but think if you really cared then you would be happy she's happy." Y/N said as he looked at her. "No offence Ma'am, but I'd like to get back to enjoying this wonderful dance with my wonderful girlfriend."

As Y/N went to dance with Muriel he heard Hermione arguing with someone, he turned and saw Ron hassling her, he let out a low growl before approaching the scene as all of the girls rushed, seeing the murderous look on his face, they all knew his intent, Minerva got between Y/N and Ron with Y/N drawing his wand and pointing it at Ron.

"I warned you!" Y/N snarled as he pointed his wand at Ron but hesitated when McGonagall stood in front of him. "Excuse me Professor, I'll talk to you in a minute, I just need to kill a rat."

"What love potion did you use on her?"

"Y/N, calm down, let's not ruin the night over him." Hermione said as Y/N looked at her. "Please." Hermione said as she pulled him in for a kiss, her hands on his jaws.

Ginny got hold of Ron alongside Narcissa and Daphne, the three of them guiding Ron out of the hall and throwing him out.

"If you come back in here and start a fight... I won't stop him from killing you." Ginny said as she looked at her brother who she was beginning to think was adopted.

Y/N looked at Hermione and pulled her in for a comforting hug as she hugged him back, calming the rage that had built up inside of him.

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