Freedom, At What Cost?

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The next day, Y/N's head was held under a bag while an Aguamenti spell was cast on him, the waterboarding torture had been going for hours, and he still didn't say a word.

"Where did they go?!" A voice ordered.

Y/N said nothing.

"Keep going, either he drowns, or he tells us where his friends are going, either way, I get something out of this."

"Enough." A voice said as Y/N heard a door open.

"It would appear the minister wishes to speak with him. Prepare the boy for transport." A Voice said as Y/N had the bag removed from his head as he was dragged to a shower room. "You have five minutes to get presentable or I'll send in some friends to entice you to be faster."

Y/N showered and then looked for some clothes when he noticed his own clothes were on a stool, he walked towards them and got dressed, stepping outside and following his escort, he realised they were all aurors.

As the carriage arrived at the ministry Y/N looked at Amelia Bones who saw bruising on his face, she looked him and he looked back, he looked like he hated her for some reason.


"Don't you dare." Y/N snarled as he looked Madam Bones in the eyes. She was shocked, and confused, wondering why Y/N was like this. "You expect me to believe that you didn't order your fucking Aurors to waterboard me for the past few hours?"

"Wait... wait... what?! I ordered them to guard you in your hospital bed." Amelia said as Y/N looked at her.

"Then you'd better watch your back, because someone clearly isn't happy with your regime." Y/N said as he continued walking while Bones looked at the aurors and then to Umbridge watching from her office, her attention turned to Fudge who was waiting.

"Ah, Y/N, my boy, welcome..."

"Cornelius, skip the bollocks and get to what you want."

"Very well, I want what I think you want right now, Bellatrix Black, and Sirius Black. Your reward will be immediate freedom, I have the paperwork all sorted, I merely need to sign and you're free, so, you bring in your old cell mates, and I grant you freedom and amnesty for any and all previous crimes." Fudge said as Y/N looked to Bones before looking back to Fudge.

"This bounty, is it exclusive to me?"

"No, but you'll likely have the advantage on most other hunters, after all you know these targets well." Fudge said as Y/N paused for a moment.

"Fine. I'll bring them in, I want to watch the Dementors have their fun on these two." Y/N said coldly. "Now, am I free to go or do you have anything else for me?"

"You're free to go." Fudge said as he nodded to Y/N, leaving, not knowing where he would go, but he knew anywhere was better than the ministry.

Y/N arrived at Greengrass Manor, luggage in one hand and his other arm in a sling, the first person he noticed was Astoria rushing out to see him, the manor wards having alerted the inhabitants. Daphne looked shocked for one of the first times in her life as she approached Y/N, seeing him not even move to return the hug that Astoria was giving him.


"I hate to ask... but... Could I stay here for a while." Y/N asked as Daphne looked to her parents and they nodded like it was obvious.

"Come on, we'll get you to your room, you look like you could use some rest." Daphne said as she looked at him. "We can talk more in the morning."

Y/N found himself in the spare room that was always kept available for him on Daphne's orders, he sat on the bed and thought about Bellatrix and Sirius, what had happened, everything. He looked at his arm in the sling before leaning back to get some sleep...

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