Another One Off The List

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Y/N closed the door of the broom closet behind him and Hermione, he turned to Hermione.

"We're going to be in here a long time. And you know what they say about time when you're having fun." Hermione said as Y/N was shocked.

"Hermione, you sure about this?"

"Yes." Hermione said as she moved her hand to Y/N's pants and felt bulge in the front of his trousers. "It appears that basilisks aren't extinct."

Y/N moved his hand up to Hermione's underwear and took her knickers off while she undone his trousers and pulled them down to his knees along with his boxers.

The Beautiful Bookworm began to go down on Y/N who tilted his head back in pleasure, he lifted Hermione's head up and gestured for her to turn, she knew what he was planning, immediately getting into a 69 position with him.

Y/N was quick to put his head between her thighs and get to work eating Hermione's pussy out, his tongue thrusting into her pussy like a pulsating ramrod, Granger couldn't help but let a moan out around Y/N's cock, her moan vibrating around his cock as she worked to get as much of his length in as possible. Y/N moved one hand up and started to fondle Hermione's breasts, and his other hand moving to find her clit, he started drawing small circles with his fingers on her clit once he had found it, Hermione eventually started to climax, her legs shaking as she moaned around his cock. That was when she felt something odd, it felt like his tongue was moving at a hundred miles an hour, her eyes went wide and her mind went blank before she came hard.

"What?... What was that?" Hermione asked with a doe eyed look.

"Parseltongue." Y/N said as he leaned in and kissed Hermione. "Or Parsel-lingus."

Hermione laughed and shook her head before she removed him from her mouth as she dismounted his face and moved to straddle his hips.

"Fuck, you're certain you were a virgin before you met me?" Hermione said as Y/N smirked.

"Yep." Y/N said as he leaned up and gave a gentle, but still marking bite on her neck. Hermione positioned Y/N's cock at her entrance before impaling herself on him in one go. She'd imagined he was good when she was using a dildo, but never this good. Something about it being Y/N and it being real made it seem ten times better.

"Fuck me." Hermione said as Y/N smirked at hearing his prude and proper bookworm girlfriend swearing, he found it somewhat cute.

"How can I refuse." Y/N said as he started to thrust up into her as she dropped down onto his cock, starting to let out a series of moans as she kept going, leaning down and kissing Y/N who felt like he was in heaven.

He couldn't explain it, but something about it being Hermione, and the fact that it was real, left him in a state of pure bliss. Hermione's face scrunched up before her mouth opened in an O shape as he continued thrusting into her, making her scream in pleasure. Y/N stood up and pinned Hermione to the wall, earning a moan from her as he held her up, his hands on her arse as her knees were level with her head and pressed into her shoulders, Y/N fucked Hermione with a passion she had never seen in anyone's eyes in anything.

"Are you on the potion?" Y/N asked as Hermione nodded.

"Yes, fuck that's good." Hermione said as Y/N continued to thrust.

Seconds turned into minutes as they kept going, with Y/N managing to find Hermione's G-spot, and hammering it with his cock as Hermione started a constant stream of moans and orgasms, her legs quaking, her whole body seizing, her pussy tightening, enough to finally make Y/N cum, with a grunting moan. Y/N gently set Hermione on the floor and they both relaxed in a state of post coital bliss. The pair of them forgetting all of their troubles for a moment as they enjoyed what had just happened.

They were both breathless as Hermione smirked.

"Closet number 32 crossed off." Hermione said as she looked at Y/N who laughed before leaning in and kissing her. "Let's not start again, or we'll never stop, and I do intend on reaching classes today."

"We could stay here, I'll be a teacher and you can be a naughty schoolgirl?" Y/N joked as Hermione laughed before slapping Y/N on the chest.

"Shut up." Hermione said, smiling. "What did I do to deserve you?"

"I don't know, but it must have been terrible." Y/N said as he smiled at her. "I could ask myself the same thing, what have I done to deserve you and all of the other girls."

"Do you want the list alphabetically... or chronologically." Hermione said before they heard Professor McGonagall's voice outside.

"We should get dressed, fast." Y/N said as he and Hermione finished getting dressed just as the door opened, Y/N looked at Hermione.

"Mr L/N, Miss Granger, what are you doing in this cupboard?!" McGonagall said as Y/N spoke.

"Well, I was passing the cupboard and I heard Hermione banging on the door, shouting to be let out, so, I opened the door and that was when someone blindsided me, shoved me in the cupboard with Hermione." Y/N lied as Minerva looked at him.

"And the bite marks on your necks?" McGonagall asked with a raised brow.

There was a long pause before Y/N spoke.

"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." Y/N said as Hermione face palmed and laughed, while McGonagall fixed Y/N with a stern look.

" Y/N said as Hermione face palmed and laughed, while McGonagall fixed Y/N with a stern look

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"Stupid boy." She remarked to herself, causing Hermione to stop holding back the laughter.

"Both of you go now, and see to it that I do not catch you again, I don't wish to see two students engaged in such acts, especially you Y/N

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"Both of you go now, and see to it that I do not catch you again, I don't wish to see two students engaged in such acts, especially you Y/N." Minerva said as Y/N nodded and left...

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