Cristiano Jesus

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Y/N found Selena sat on the porch of her burned down house, weeping.

"Oh, Mr. L/N! Mr. L/N!" Selena cried out as she ran to Y/N, hugging him.

"What's wrong, Selena?"

"I don't weep for myself, but for my country! Cristiano Jesus has been captured!" Selena said as Y/N looked taken aback.

"He has?" Y/N asked.

"He was coming to meet me at Dora Basin. It's a very romantic spot. It was a beautiful night, yet he was ambushed by a patrol. My heart is breaking, but I cry for Spain." Selena wept as Y/N looked at her.

"Where's he being held?"

"Fuerte Aguilera... You know, in our hearts, we are married already, but his family does not approve. How could they, when I am little more than a peasant girl? But that's what makes Cristiano Jesus the man he is. He doesn't care for the bourgeois, snobbery, or elitism. He sees the real me. The woman." Selena said as Y/N couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor girl.

"I'm sure." Y/N said solemnly.

"I am going to go rescue him or die trying." Selena said as Y/N stopped her.

"Whoa, I don't think that's such a good idea. Ride with me to near the jail, we'll figure out how to rescue him." Y/N said as Selena smiled and kissed Y/N on the cheek.

"Mr. L/N, you are truly a friend to this land." Selena said as Y/N sighed.

"So everyone keeps informing me."

"Fuerte Aguilera is to the north. We must hurry. Who knows what they will do to him." They boarded the stagecoach and rode to Fuerte Aguilera"We are almost there! He is still alive...I feel it! Fuerte Aguilera. There it is. You have to find a way in."

"I'll do my best." Y/N said as he looked at the fort.

"There is a partially broken-down wall. You should be able to scramble over it. Hurry, but please be careful. There are guards everywhere. If they see you, they will kill you both." Selena said as Y/N nodded.

"Well, if he's alive, I'll try to make sure he stays that way."

"I have some friends waiting for me near the river. Bring Cristiano there. Good luck." Selena said as Y/N left, heading to a the broken wall, climbing over and getting to a good vantage point.

"Pensabas derrocar a Aldo? Nadie va a llorar por ti. Pagarás por tu traición, Cristiano Jesus. El fin ha llegado, Jesus. El Infierno te espera. Formen el pelotón de ejecución! Apunten! (You thought you could overthrow Aldo? No one will mourn for you. You will pay for your treachery, Cristiano Jesus. The end has come, Jesus. Hell awaits you. Form the firing squad! Aim!)"

Before the firing squad of aurors could fire, six gunshots rang out and a bullet ripped through each member of the squad, the man in charge of the squad turned and saw Y/N approaching, before he could draw his wand on Y/N, the boy had shot him in the head.

As Y/N holstered his gun, he took out his wand and used Diffindo on the ropes binding Jesus.

"Selena sent me. We have to meet her by the river."

"Que? (What?)" Jesus said cluelessly.

"Selena. The girl you're marrying." Y/N said bluntly.

"Oh, yes. Such a devoted thing. El amor de mi vida. (The love of my life.)" Cristiano said as he shook hands with Y/N. "Lets go, my friend. Before the aurors return."

Y/N and Cristiano mounted Y/N's Thestral.

"Now ride like the wind, my friend!"

They rode away from the fort until they met a guide and head to the rendezvous point with Selena.

"Come. Follow me. I will take you to Selena!" the guide called out, leading the way.

"What is your name, my friend?" Cristiano asked.

"Y/N L/N." Y/N answered.

"No? The Englishman who is working for Aldo?"

"I'm not workin' for anybody. I'm here because Selena asked for my help." Y/N stated sternly.

"As I thought you were a friend of Aldo's, I was planning on putting a curse in your back!" Cristiano said.

"Well, try to resist the urge." Y/N said calmly.

"How do you know my young lover, Sally?"

"It's Selena. I saved her life awhile not so long back." Y/N corrected.

"I will not forget this, compadre. You will be rewarded. Money, women... Selena, if you want her." Cristiano said as Y/N shook his head.

"I'm here for two men, and that's it."

"You have been spending too much time with Denise and others of her line of thought." Cristiano said as Y/N scoffed.

"Very funny. Not like that. I'll explain later." 

"I am free again! I will write a poem about this day!" Cristiano proclaimed.

"This is from a man who was tied to a post with a wand in his face a few minutes ago." Y/N observed.

"I wish I could see Aldo's face when he finds out I have defeated a hundred of his men!"

"All you done is get on the back of this horse, my friend."

"Selena is up ahead. Buena suerte, compadres! (Good luck, fellas!)" The Guide called out.

"There she is! I remember her now. Mi amiga! (My friend!)" Cristiano said as they met Selena.

"Cristiano, Mr. L/N."

"Oy." Cristiano said as he kissed Selena.

"The revolution will live on, thanks to you." Selena said to Y/N who brushed the comment off.

"Yes indeed, Y/N. You are as a brother to me, and my people need a man such as you to help our cause. My ranch is in Rio De Santa, and let me say, my brother, that we await you." Cristiano proclaimed proudly.

"Well, best of luck to both of you, but I need to find two men so I can return to Britain." Y/N said calmly.

"No problem. I will help you find those men, and in return, you will win a people her freedom." Cristiano said as Y/N looked at him leaving on a raft with Selena.

"Viva Spain!" The girl called out proudly.

"Y adonde túva, bella? Bye, Y/N. Vente commigo. (singing) Tú sabes qué en esta luz, puedo ver el fuego en tus ojos. Sally, dame la fuerza para luchar... (And where it goes, fine? Bye, Y/N. Come with me. Did you know that in this light, I can see the fire in your eyes. Sally, give me the strength to fight...)" Cristiano said as he led Selena away, with Y/N scoffing and shaking his head before walking away...

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