Visiting Old Friends

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Y/N arrived on an island in the Caribbean, arriving to find a familiar looking ship docked.

"Hello old girl." Y/N said as he looked at the ship.

"Master Y/Ns sir!" a House Elf said as Y/N smiled and turned.

"Micky!" Y/N said as he picked the House Elf up and hugged them. "How's everyone been?"

"We's beens well Master." Micky said as Y/N nodded.

"And what about my friends, I hope you don't mind them staying until things are sorted."

"Any friend of Master Y/N's is welcome on Free isle." Mikey said as Y/N smiled.

"And how is the Ice Queen, still sea worthy?"

"Yes sir!" Micky said as Y/N nodded. "We's beens building houses for house elves, we hope you don't minds sir, but we had to use some money from your vault-"

"Of course I don't mind Micky, I trust you made a note of it, in case some ministry jobs worth tries to take what's not theirs?"

"Yes Master." Micky said as Y/N nodded.

"Good. I intend to bring some more people here to visit, friends of mine, some people very dear to me, I would greatly appreciate it if you could see to it that the rooms are in order?" Y/N said as Micky looked at him.

"Is master bringing his Icy Queenie home?!" Micky asked excitedly as Y/N smiled, crouching down to eye level with the house elf.

"Yes, and others, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass, and Narcissa Black. I would like that things be in order at my house before they arrive, you have quite a while yet, I'll send a message to Sirius when you should start. So, how is everyone doing here? Are the house Elves happy, do they need anything? Food? Money?" Y/N asked as he arrived at his home on the island.

"Everyone is happy Master Y/N. They will be even happier with your return." Micky answered as Y/N chuckled.

"Well, I'll be holding a feast tonight, and I want every elf on the island to dine with us. Me, Sirius, and Bellatrix will be helping to cook the food." Y/N said as he looked at Micky. "But for now I must discuss urgent business with Sirius and Bellatrix, take care Micky."

"Takes care Master Y/N." Micky said as he rushed off to make the announcement of the feast to the other hundreds of House Elves that inhabited the isle.

As Y/N approached the house he found Sirius relaxing on the beach, a book in his hands.

L/N looked around to see if Bellatrix was also relaxing on the beach but couldn't see her anywhere, so he decided to venture inside the house and see if she was there.

As he closed the door behind him, Y/N looked around, his hand near his wand as he started walking through the house.

"Bellatrix?! It's me, Y/N. Are you in here?" Y/N said as he heard a mad cackle echo through the corridors. Y/N thought for a moment, he was there the last time Bellatrix had one of her episodes... and it wasn't pretty. He had no idea what the root cause of her episodes was, but if he had to hazard a guess, it was likely a combination of both her extended stay in Azkaban, the events at the Longbottom's house, and what happened to her in Prison...


Bellatrix was with her fellow Aurors and close friends, Frank and Alice Longbottom, sharing a cup of tea.

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