Dementor Attack

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Y/N had received a summons from Professor McGonagall, when he arrived he saw her waiting at her desk.

"Professor." Y/N said as she looked to him.

"Take a seat please, Y/N." McGonagall said, immediately, Y/N knew she wasn't happy with him. "I received a rather disturbing complaint about you yesterday, can you imagine what it was?"

"I think I can, Professor, yes."

"Threatening a teacher?!" McGonagall said as she put the note from Professor Snape down on the table in front of Y/N.

"Count Prickula earned it." Y/N said dismissively as McGonagall looked at him.

"Be that as it may, threatening a teacher, earned or otherwise, is grounds for expulsion." McGonagall said as she looked at Y/N looked at her.

"Then why am I still here?" Y/N asked as McGonagall looked at him and sighed.

"Because luckily for you, my late husband was popular among the Goblins thanks to his services to the bank, I managed to ask the king of the Goblins to put in a good word with Fudge to ensure he doesn't press for your expulsion." McGonagall looked at him. "I did not like using my husbands legacy as a bartering chip Y/N. Not one bit."

Y/N felt guilty immediately.

"You'll be serving detention with me for a week, and you're suspended from Quidditch for the next three games. Consider yourself lucky that it wasn't the alternative." McGonagall said as Y/N nodded.

"Professor, why did you use your husbands legacy?"

"Because I believe that you are a good person." McGonagall said as Y/N looked at her.

"Then with respect, you're kidding yourself." Y/N said as he shook his head.

"With respect, I decide if I'm kidding myself, not you. I also know that Snape likely aggravated the incident, and that you were on a short fuse as it was given your... history with Halloween. Y/N... I know this may not mean anything to you, but I took a big risk doing what I did, I would appreciate you repay that by making sure I never have to take said risk again."

"Very well Professor." Y/N said as he left, heading to breakfast in the hall.

Later that day, Hermione, Ron, and Y/N were all in the crowds watching the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, they were cheering Harry and the team on Harry zoomed past them as Ron, Y/N and Hermione cheered at the sight of Harry and Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff seeker, Harry whizzed past as Cedric blasted past the crowd like a Bat out of hell, both seekers were engaged in a chase for the Golden snitch. They Flew up into the crowds and disappeared among the dark grey storm clouds.

"I'm happy not to be playing in this weather, it's pissing down, a reminder that we're still in Scotland." Y/N joked as Hermione smiled before Angelina Johnson flew past and scored.

"Ten points to Gryffindor!" Lee Jordan announced as Y/N began to cheer until he noticed Harry falling from the sky, with dementors descending after him. In an instant Y/N went on a hunch from a book.

"Aresto Momentum!" Y/N called out, Harry's fall began to slow down and a pain shot through Y/N's arm, but he fought through it, focusing everything he had on saving Harry, Y/N's vision began to fade just as Harry safely landed thanks to his slowed descent. Y/N looked up to Hermione, realizing he had fallen to one knee, before he could stand however, a Dementor popped up in front of him and began to attack him.

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