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"Here you go Harry. Y/N's eyes twinkle with the hope to be recognised by not only his fake parents, but also the two women that he finds himself lusting for, Hermione Granger and Fleur Delacour, Ms Granger has been seen travelling with him on the holidays and they have appeared quite intimate thanks to their passionate kisses- I mean, bloody hell! Fleur Delacour, I doubt she even remembers me from those years ago. And as for Hermione, well, of course I'm lusting for her, we're in a relationship, I'd be worried if I wasn't feeling lusty with her of a night when she gets up close in bed!" Y/N read aloud as he burst out laughing, Harry looked at Y/N before throwing another rock at the water. "You can't deny, it's a riveting read, but like with Lockharts books, it's better served as toilet paper."

Seamus spoke up.

"Come on, even you can't deny, it's not all bad. What can anyone have against the prophet as a whole?" Seamus asked as Y/N looked at him.

"Apart from his bottom?" Y/N remarked as Seamus just laughed.

"I would have thought the papers would be right up your alley." Neville said as Y/N took a breath and suppressed a laugh.

"I mean don't get me wrong, it's without a doubt my favourite paper, soft, strong, and...thoroughly absorbent." Y/N said as Harry and Seamus laughed amongst themselves. The boys all sat there for a while talking with Y/N explaining the situation on his sentencing to Harry who listened. "Just one normal year. That's all I want for now."

"Me too, just one year without a death defying adventure." Harry said as they saw Neville wave to someone, Y/N turned and saw Hermione, Ron, and Ginny approaching.

"Look, it's already been through enough people. Why don't you talk to them yourself?" Hermione whispered, she knew that Y/N could hear it, part of her hoped that Y/N would interfere. "Ron this is your problem, not mine or Ginny's, just because you're scared of Y/N... What do you want me to say again?"

Ron whispered into Hermione's ear, it was barely audible even to Y/N. Hermione let out an angry sigh and approached Y/N and Harry.

"Ronald would like me to tell you both, that Fred told him, that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you both." Hermione said as Y/N nodded.

"What?" Harry asked, confused. Hermione headed back to Ron and they whispered before Hermione returned. 

"Dean was told by Parvati...please don't ask me to say it again. Hagrid's looking for you both."

Hermione went over to Y/N but Harry was still pissed at Ron.

"Well you can tell Ronald--"

"SHE'S NOT AN OWL! God Ron, you're dumber than Crabbe and Goyle, why are you so pissed at Harry and me when we didn't put our names in that cup, did it ever cross your mind that maybe this is yet another plan to try and kill Harry and me? No? Getting Hermione to tell us things because you're too pathetic to tell us yourself, fucking hell. You're a joke." Y/N snapped, looking at Ron. "Now if you can do without me in the nursery for a while, I'm going to go to lesson, hopefully this time I don't get attacked by aurors for simply existing."

Y/N walked away as he shoved into Ron, starting to walk back to the Room of Requirement with Hermione and Ginny at his side, that was when Ron spoke up.

"Stay away from Hermione and my sister Y/N!" Ron said as Y/N stopped in his tracks.

"Why?" Y/N said as he started to walk again.

"Because you'll just get them killed like you got your little sister killed." Ron said as a silence fell over them all.

Y/N turned and started walking towards Ron as Hermione and Ginny got in front of him.

"Y/N. Woah, Y/N. No! If you're expelled you lose your magic for breaking the contract of the tournament." Hermione said calmly as Y/N paused.

"Hermione, please move." Y/N said coldly.

"It seems that girls you care for wind up dead. Selina in Spain, Remi-"

"Shut up Ron!" Ginny snapped at him. "What's wrong with you?!"

"What's wrong with me? I'm not the one spreading my legs for him, I'm not the one who's letting him cheat!" Ron said as Hermione looked at him.

"I think it's best you walk away Ron, before you find out what the bottom of the lake looks like." Hermione said as Ron shook his head.

"You're just as bad-"

"ENOUGH!" Harry yelled as he turned Ron around and punched him in the face, knocking him out in one punch. "Seamus, Neville, you mind helping me get him somewhere away from here, before Y/N kills him."

As the three boys carried the unconscious Ron away, Y/N felt Hermione and Ginny holding onto him, they led him by the hands to his private quarters...

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