Falling For Frances Fabulous Flower...

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A few days had passed, and Y/N was back on his feet. He had given his cut of the reward to Wednesday and Cedric as promised, and he was now on his way to check on fleur after her ordeal with the living maze.

He knocked on the door and it opened revealing the other Beauxbaton girls.

"Fleur, tu as un visiteur ! (Fleur, you have a visitor!)" One of the girls said with a smile as she looked at Y/N, biting her lip as she looked at Y/N.

"Y/N!" Fleur called out as she ran over to Y/N, pulling him in to a hug. "I am so glad zat your okay!"

"I could say the same Fleur, how's Gabbie? I haven't had a chance to talk to you both after the second task." Y/N said as he leaned in and kissed her on both cheeks.

"She ees fine, mamam was furious when she found out what had been done to her, however, your rescue of us both has had an effect on my fazer. He's removed the bounty temporarily, he wishes to speak wiz you." Fleur said as Y/N smiled.

"Wow, how long was the argument on that one." Y/N asked as Fleur smiled.

"Very long." She said as she lead Y/N into her room, closing the door and locking it, Fleur swished her wand and a gramophone started playing Dream A Little Dream of Me -- by Doris Day. Y/N smiled and leaned in, kissing Fleur on the lips as the two of them started dancing. "Ow are you?"

"It's been a long few years Fleur... I need a break." Y/N said as Fleur looked at him.

"You seem... exhausted."

"Yeah, that happens when you've been through a year like this four years in a fucking row." Y/N said as Fleur smiled.

"We can sit and you can tell me."

"No... no, let's dance, please." Y/N said as Fleur smiled and nodded. Fleur started singing along with the song in French.

"Les étoiles brillent au-dessus de toi
Les brises nocturnes semblent murmurer : "Je t'aime"
Les oiseaux chantent dans le sycomore
Rêve un peu de moi
(Stars shinin' bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you"
Birds singin' in the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of me)"

Y/N looked at Fleur before leaning in and kissing her on the lips.

"I'm going to miss you being here Fleur." Y/N said as Fleur smiled.

"Well, maybe you won't have  to miss me for long?" Fleur suggested as Y/N smiled. "You could come and visit."

"Fleur, your father is just about managing to not kill me long enough to have a conversation, what's he going to be like when I tell him I have multiple girlfriends as it is?"

Fleur chuckled momentarily as she leaned in and kissed him, her hands moving behind his head to pull him into the kiss. Y/N began undressing Fleur while she began undressing him, the two of them leaving their clothes strewn across the bedroom as they entered the bathroom, the two of them getting into the shower.


They locked lips again as Fleur began kissing up and down Y/N's neck, while Y/N's left hand reached down between her legs, he began to run a finger through her folds as he kissed her, his free hand reaching up and running his thumb over her cheek, all the while, Fleur had been slowly and teasingly stroking his cock.

Fleur moved back slightly as she slowly inched closer to the wall, letting out slight moans as Y/N toyed with her pussy.

"I've wanted zis for so long." She whispered into his ear as he took his hand away from her pussy. They locked lips and Fleur wrapped her legs around Y/N's waist and her arms around his shoulders while Y/N guided his cock to her entrance, with one thrust he was in, Fleur let out a guttural moan as she felt him spear his cock into her pussy. Y/N slowly withdrew until it was just the tip remaining inside of her, and then just as suddenly, he thrust back in again, making Fleur let out a moan as he sucked on her neck, his right hand reaching up and playing with her left tit.

Fleur started to bounce up and down gently on Y/N's cock, his hands moving from her tits to grab both of her ass cheeks to provide support for her as she bounced up and down.

As his cock thrust into her pussy, Fleur let out a few quiet moans as she felt her back meet the wall of the shower, the water having been turned off. Y/N began thrusting into her harder and faster as Fleur let out moan after moan, her suppressed moans filling the room, she reached to her left tit and grabbed it, squeezing it slightly and pinching her nipple between her fingers.

As they kissed, Fleur moaned into Y/N's mouth, allowing his tongue to slip into her mouth in a deeper kiss, her hands began to run over Y/N's body as he continued to fuck her against the wall of the shower.


"We're in a shower , Mon amour. And remember, no need to hold back." Fleur said as Y/N smirked at her and began to speed up his thrusts, drawing a series of moans from Fleur as she came, moaning down his ear, which was all he needed to push him over the edge.

As they both came down from their highs, Y/N turned the shower on and they began a post coital make out session in the shower while Y/N used the shower to clean Fleur up and to clean himself up.


The next morning Y/N woke up and looked around, he dressed himself as he looked at Fleur before noticing something, he checked out of the window and spotted Hogwarts castle moving.

"Fuck me!"

"Gladly." Fleur murmured with a chuckle. The door opened to reveal Madame Maxime.

Y/N looked to Fleur before kissing her, he jumped out of the window, into a dive, hitting the water below him. As he surfaced he looked up to see the carriage flying away before seeing his ship, the Ice Queen approaching. A rope landed next to him that he grabbed, the crew of the ship hauling him aboard as Y/N looked at the house elves, one of them retrieved Y/N's hat, handing it to him.

"Thank you." Y/N said as he stood up and looked back at the school. "Jacky, take her back to Hogwarts."

"Aye, aye Captain!" Micky said as he looked at the castle...

"That's the last time I kiss Fleur, I always end up having to flee for my life." Y/N muttered to himself as the ship turned around and headed back towards Hogwarts...

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