An Impasse...

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Y/N was sleeping off the hangover from Harry's birthday, Harry meanwhile was being taken to the Burrow, the home of the Weasleys.

"What possessed you to blow up a wall at the Dursleys and take Potter from his home?" McGonagall asked as she looked at Y/N who opened his eyes.

"Call it a rare bout of human decency." Y/N said calmly as he sat up, holding his head, he stood up and fastened his wand holster around his leg and waist, McGonagall looked at him calmly.

"I told you one or two quiet drinks." McGonagall scolded as Y/N looked at her and groaned from his headache.

"The first few were pretty quiet, I think." Y/N said as he gave a small smirk. "It's Tom's fault for boozing up the butterbeers, there was definitely more alcohol in those drinks last night."

Y/N sighed to himself and walked towards the door when McGonagall spoke up.

"Mr L/N, you'll be spending the remainder of the holidays with Miss Granger and her Parents." McGonagall said as Y/N looked at he.

"What? Have the Grangers been told about this?" Y/N asked as McGonagall nodded.

"They offered."

"Why would they offer that?"

"Well, I believe they must have reasoned that if you were willing to do what you did for Harry, then you really must not want to go back home for now." McGonagall suggested as Y/N looked at her. "Perhaps it was a rare bout of human decency."

"Tell them I respectfully decline." Y/N said as McGonagall looked at him.

"Y/N, you know the other option, as do I, and neither of us like that option." McGonagall said as Y/N paused.

"I'm not going 'home', but I'm not doing this with Hermione." Y/N said as he looked at McGonagall. "Professor, you know I respect you, you're the mother I wish I had, maybe my life would have turned out differently. Don't make me do this." 

McGonagall looked at him for a brief moment, her eyes softening.

"I'm sorry, L/N, you have no choices." McGonagall said as she stood up. "Either you go to the Grangers for the remainder of the holidays, or you go home."

Y/N paused for a moment.

"The Grangers and your 'carers' will be arriving in fifteen minutes." McGonagall said as Y/N spoke up.

"You can tell the Grangers not to bother coming, I don't want to be a burden on them." Y/N said as McGonagall nodded.

Y/N left the Leaky Cauldron, claiming he was going for some ice cream before he had to leave.

However, he still had not returned by the time his escort had arrived.

"Where is he?" One man asked as McGonagall thought to herself and realised that Y/N had run off.

"Last I checked, he was in his room." McGonagall lied, looking at the three men who were dressed like 1940s detectives. They walked up the stairs and sighed. "Y/N, what have you done?"

The men came rushing down and approached McGonagall.

"He's gone. Where is he?!" One man demanded as McGonagall looked at him.

"I told you he was in his room the last time I checked which was 10 minutes ago. Kindly remove your wand from my face." McGonagall said coldly as she looked the men in the eyes. That was when the door opened.

"Expelliarmus!" Y/N cast, the mans wand flew to Y/N's free hand and he held it pointed at the men, duel wielding the wands as he pointed them at the men.

"What are you doing L/N?!"

"I could ask you boys the same question, pointing your wands at a Hogwarts teacher and accusing her of bogus misdoings? What would your boss think?" Y/N said as the men all kept their wands pointed at him.

"Lower your wands Y/N and give our friend his wand back, or we'll be forced to use whatever force is necessary-"

"You might want a few more people to even the odds." Y/N said as he looked at the men before looking to McGonagall, he realised that one way or another, he would either go back to his home, go to the Grangers, or any attempt at running would lead to trouble for those he passed a liking for. "I'm going to the Grangers, lower your wands-"

"You attacked one of us, breaking the terms of your deal, meaning you come with us-"

"Perhaps I wasn't clear enough for you Al Capone, I'm going to the Grangers, any attempt to seize me will be taken as assault, in which case I'm well within the terms of the contract to fight back and if necessary to kill you." Y/N said as McGonagall spoke.

"The boy has chosen to go with the Grangers, that was the deal I made, if you try and cross it, the minister will hear of this along with the boys parents, and you wouldn't want that any more than I do." McGonagall said as she looked to the men who lowered their wands. "Y/N would you give this man his wand back please."

Y/N threw the mans wand to the flood but kept his wand raised and pointed at the men.

"I will bring your belongings to the Grangers house hold, you may go." McGonagall said as Y/N looked to her before slowly making his way across the room, heading to the exit while keeping his wand trained on the men, as he stepped out of the door, Y/N holstered his wand and sighed before walking off finding a telephone box and using some change he had pickpocketed from a passer by to pay for the call, using a number Hermione had given him for if he decided to call instead of write.


"Hello, is that Mrs Granger?" Y/N asked as he looked around.

"Yes, who's asking?"

"My names Y/N L/N, I'm a friend of Hermione's from school, I was told by Professor McGonagall to call ahead and ask if I was still okay to come and stay with you for the remainder of the holidays?"

"Oh, of course you're okay to come and stay over, but I was under the impression you had decided to stay somewhere else."

"Well Mrs Granger, things got a bit complicated. What would be the fastest way to get to your place from London?"

"Probably a taxi if you can afford one, if not you've got the bus as an alternative. You're looking for 8 Heathgate, Hampstead Garden."

"Okay, thank you for your hospitality Ma'am. I'll be there soon." Y/N said as he put the phone down, beginning to walk through London in the hopes of finding a cab, although he had to figure out how he was going to pay for it. He looked to a nearby stall and saw an A-Z map of London. "Well, cheaper than a taxi."

Y/N bought the map and looked at it for a moment, asking the shop owner where he was.

"Thank you." Y/N said as he put the map in his pocket and started walking in the direction of the Granger homestead.

2 Hours and 44 minutes Later:

Y/N arrived at Hampstead Garden, and started looking for 8 Heathgate, he was certain he had passed it when he saw a familiar looking girl sitting on a low wall with a book in her hands. Y/N smiled to himself at the sight of Hermione with a book, as expected as ever.

He approached and noticed she wasn't looking up from her book.

"Good book?" Y/N asked as he arrived next to Hermione, catching her by surprise.

"Y/N?! I didn't know you were coming?" Hermione said as she hugged him.

"Yes, things... circumstances changed at the Leaky Cauldron." Y/N said as Hermione smiled.

"Well, it would appear for the better." She said as Y/N smiled. "Come inside, I'm sure Mum and Dad would like to get to know you."

Y/N nodded and gestured for her to go first, following her to the door and holding it open for her before walking inside...

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