The Morning After

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Y/N awoke the next day and saw Hermione's bushy brown hair on his chest like a cloud, he looked at Ginny who was already awake and had got showered, she was getting dressed into her uniform.

"Morning." Ginny said as she smiled as she turned to look at him, her eyes twinkling with a smile as she looked at him him, she sauntered over to him and leaned down before kissing him deeply. Y/N kissed her and back and moved his hand up to Ginny's cheek, running his hand across her blushing cheek. "I've got to go and get breakfast."

"We've got Quidditch Practice haven't we?" Y/N asked as Ginny nodded.

Hermione was awoken by the sound of Y/N and Ginny talking. Hermione smiled before kissing both Y/N and Ginny, they all got washed and dressed before heading to the great hall together. As they entered the Great Hall, the three of them looked around, Y/N saw Harry smiling at him, Ginny and Hermione caught Daphne Greengrass looking somewhat intrigued.

Y/N smiled at Harry before the three of them sat down, Y/N saw Ron looking at him from further down the table, he looked hurt and was giving Y/N a glare.

Y/N paused for a minute, not knowing what he should do.

'How do you tell your best friend you spent the night out having a threesome with his little sister and his other friend?' Y/N thought to himself as he filled a bowl with some cereal.

Y/N could hear Ginny and Hermione talking to Parvati and Lavender. Y/N poured out some pumpkin juice.

"Y/N, how do you think Skye Parkin has been playing this season?" Ginny asked as Y/N paused for a moment.

"I think she is playing well, she had a good game the other week." Y/N said as he opened a book and floated it so that he could read it while eating.

That afternoon, Y/N was in the library, reading when he heard the footsteps approach, he turned to see Ron walking towards him with an angered look on his face.

"Stay away from my sister Y/N." Ron said as Y/N looked at him. "I know you're cheating on her with Hermione, or is it the other way around?"

Y/N rolled his eyes.

"Neither, you don't know what you're talking about, go and walk it off." Y/N said calmly as he returned to his book when Ron looked at him.

"No, Ginny's my little sister, and Hermione's my friend, I love her Y/N, I won't let you break their hearts-"

"You love Hermione?" Y/N asked with a small hint of surprise. "Could have fooled me."

"I DO!" Ron said as Y/N sighed, this wasn't ending anytime soon.

"Look you tool, I'm not cheating on either of them, Ginny and Hermione are dating, one another and they're also both dating me."

"You what?"

"Fucking hell, your sister likes men and women Ron. Hermione's the same, not that it's any of your business, if you reveal this to anyone without permission from Hermione or Ginny, I'll kick your fuckin head in."

"So... Hermione and my sister are...?"

"Shagging? Yes." Y/N said as Ron looked at him with an almost disgusted face.

"Do you think there's a chance between me and Hermione?"

"I don't know, ask her yourself, considering she's already in two relationships, she might be willing to make it a third but then things would be awkward between you and Ginny so I doubt it." Y/N said as he sighed.

"Just stay away from Ginny."

"Why?" Y/N said as Ron looked at him.

"She's my little sister and I won't let her be part of whatever this thing is, this weird harem nonsense." Ron said as Y/N sighed at his best friend.

"Ginny's her own woman, she can do what she fucking likes." Y/N said as he stood up and put his books in his bag before going to leave.

"I mean it Y/N, stay away from Ginny and Hermione."

"Go and cool off Ron." Y/N said as he left, shaking his head before heading to join Harry on the magical creatures reserve...

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