Polyjuice Palava...

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It was Christmas day, and Y/N was once again asleep on the couch, Hermione looked at the scene and laughed.

"Y/N, time to get up it's Christmas!" Hermione said excitedly and heard Y/N groan in mild annoyance.

"Is one lie in too much to ask?"

"Today it is, the potion is ready, and you have a few presents to open. Come on." Hermione said as she heard Y/N grumble. Hermione used wingardium leviosa to float a ball of wool used to repair school jumpers, the wool dangled in front of Y/N's pet cat who tried to catch it, Hermione levitated the wool over Y/N's face and the cat jumped onto him.

"HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER!" was all she heard. He chased her around the common room with Harry and Ron laughing, Y/N caught Granger and tickled her. When he stopped tickling Her, Y/N and Hermione where on the floor laughing as Harry and Ron were on the chair laughing.

"Merry Christmas, but I hate you all." Y/N said as Harry grabbed a cushion and hurled it at Y/N.

They each opened their presents and thanked one another. The last present Y/N opened was from an Anonymous sender.

Dear Y/N,

Merry Christmas, extend my seasons greetings to Harry, I hope you are doing well at school, and looking after yourself and Harry. I hope to discuss the boys welfare and his current living situation at the Dursleys when you and I next meet. From what you have told me of them, it brings me much concern. I am grateful for you keeping what you know about me to yourself, as I don't wish to intrude on his life if he is happy with it.

My dear cousin wishes you all her best, and tells you to stop pulling the girls in the school and leave some for the other boys... I say try and beat James and Lily's record of 2 years to make out in every single broom closet and abandoned classroom. Bill Ashe is threatening to kill you, so you've clearly been busy over the summer.

Anyway, I should finish up and let you get back to your studies, knowing you you're most likely studying that Granger girl with hearts in your eyes the way you spoke about her. Give my regarts to Harry, and old McGonagall.

Your friend, "Muttley"

P.S. the owl bites.

As Y/N finished reading the letter he sat down and took a moment to think before pocketing the letter and looking to the present. Y/N examined the gift and saw it was a brand new cage for his cat.

The quartet all enjoyed their presents, with Y/N enjoying reading a collection of Jack Reacher books Harry had bought for him.

That evening, while everyone was at the Christmas feast, the quartet discussed the plan.

"Harry and Ron, you two will find a way to give these cakes to Crabbe and Goyle, they're laced with a powerful knockout formula, once they're asleep, put them in the broom cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs."

"Who's hair are you going to be ripping out then?" Ron asked as Hermione pulled out a phial.

"I've already got mine. Millicent Bulstrode. Slytherin. I got this off her robes. Y/N and I are going to go and check on the potion. Make sure that Crabbe and Goyle eat these." Hermione said as she handed Harry and Ron the cakes.

A few minutes later Y/N and Hermione were in Myrtles bathroom putting the final ingredients in the potion.

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