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It was the day of the last quidditch match of the season and Y/N was finally allowed back onto the pitch, but he didn't plan on playing, he had something else on his mind... payment.

"He helped them escape, I'm certain of it!" Umbridge fumed as Y/N scoffed.

"It may have escaped your notice woman, but I wanted to watch the kiss happen more than you did." Y/N said coldly as he looked at the minister. "I gave you Bellatrix and Sirius Black on a silver platter. Now fill your end of the deal or so help me god you'll see why I was in Azkaban to begin with."

"Now Y/N, there's no need for that attitude, we'll be willing to hold our end of the bargain once we are certain that you didn't help them escape." Fudge said as Y/N took a deep breath as Minerva McGonagall had her hands on his shoulder trying to calm him down.

"Minister, I despise the accusation here against Y/N." Minerva said coldly. "He has risked his life on countless occasions to help your ministry in a job that has seen him face deadly criminals. He has been tortured in multiple ways on behalf of your government and yet you continue this senseless campaign against him."

"Minerva, it's not just a matter of him being trustworthy. Where will he stay?"

"He can stay here over the summer." Dumbledore said, "As you know Cornelius, I've been proposing the idea of a summer school for some time, perhaps this would be the ideal way to push your reformation campaign, hardened criminal reformed into studious student willing to stay behind on holidays for classes."

Fudge seemed to think about it.

"For goodness sake! He was in the hospital wing the whole time, how could he possibly have freed Bellatrix and Sirius black." Minerva said as Y/N looked at Fudge.

"I gave them both to you, it's not my fault that you can't keep hold of them, whatever happens to the bounty after I turn it in is out of my hands." Y/N said as he looked at Fudge.

"Hem hem. Minister, remember this boys prophecy, you might as well lock him up and save us all the trouble."

"They say that one should not speak of things they don't know about... might I suggest you take a vow of silence." Y/N said coldly as McGonagall had to fight back a smirk.

"Very well, Mr L/N, this is your pardon letter for your Azkaban sentences. As for your crimes against the noble houses, their sentence still stands as that is beyond my jurisdiction."  Fudge said as he looked at Y/N and handed him the pardon letter.

Y/N looked at it and smirked.

"I have one more request of the ministry."

"What?!" Fudge exclaimed at the gall of the boy.

"The ministry gives Bellatrix and Sirius Black a trial, for which I will be present. And they post a bounty, Peter Pettigrew." Y/N said as he looked at Fudge. "100, 000 galleons."

"Y/N, you can't-"

"Oh, well then I'm certain Rita Skeeter would love to hear all of the things I learned in Azkaban." Y/N said calmly. "Or better yet, Amelia Bones and her wonderful boys in blue at the DMLE."

Fudge knew Y/N had him by the balls.

"Fine. But no more." Fudge said as Y/N nodded.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, if I'm fast enough, I may be able to catch breakfast and play in the match." Y/N said as he looked at Fudge before smirking. "Am I free to leave Professor?"

"Yes Mr L/N." Dumbledore said with a smirk as Y/N left.

The Golden Quartet were in the great hall enjoying a breakfast together, well, Harry and Ron were eating. Y/N and Hermione were talking quietly, which was unnerving for Harry and Ron, if the two smartest students in their year were talking in hushed voices, it meant they were planning something, and knowing Y/N, it was likely a prank or a surprise, at least that was what Harry and Ron were assuming it was.

In reality, the duo were talking about Y/N's newfound freedom.

That was until Tucan arrived and dropped something on Y/N's lap, he opened it, seeing a note in familiar handwriting.

Dear Y/N,

We've arrived at the address you gave us and the House Elves have been helping us, if you don't mind we'll be staying here for a while to get back on our feet, and until we've found a way to get Pettigrew. Don't worry, we'll keep this place in good shape.

Sirius and I would wish you luck on the final match but well, with you and Harry it's just a matter of time, especially with the Firebolt (Though I prefer your hexer). Sirius and I have a bet, Sirius reckons that you won't be able to beat Harry in a race around the school on your brooms, I say otherwise, he claims if you win, he'll pay your tab at Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour for a whole year, If you lose I pay Harrys tab for a year...


Yours... Trixy


Y/N looked up from the letter and then to Harry, handing the letter to Harry, there was a long pause as everyone looked at them both.

"See you at the changing rooms!" Y/N called to Harry as they both split up two crowds forming, one crowd chased out to watch Harry take off and fly to the team changing rooms while another crowd chased Y/N as he rushed through the halls, using his wand to transform his uniform into his quidditch kit.

With the race finishing in a win for Y/N, Potter shook hands with him as they both met at the quidditch team tent just as the team arrived. Y/N and Harry smirked at each other as Wood went through the plan for the final. They flew out onto the pitch and played.

Y/N scored a header that put Gryffindor ahead before Harry caught the golden snitch winning them the final game of the season, and also winning them the Quidditch cup.

The next day after the leaving assembly the quartet were in the Gryffindor Common room laughing and joking, with the twins parading Y/N around the room alongside Harry as everyone chanted, with Y/N finally being let down from the twins shoulders, Y/N pulled out the Pardon letter and showed it to the twins.

Immediately more celebrations ensured, with the twins and Ginny all chanting "He got off! He got off!" over and over.

Unsurprisingly, Harry decided to stay at Hogwarts, with Y/N giving him the address that Sirius and Bellatrix were staying, Hermione had decided to stay behind, unsurprisingly due to the offer of extra classes. Ron had elected to stay when he found out that most of his friends were staying and Hermione was staying. Ginny was staying as were the Greengrasses. Y/N was staying, and was looking forward to spending the summer with his friends and enjoying his freedom...

End of Year 3, Harry Potter and The Prisoners of Azkaban...

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