Pre-Match Warm-Up...

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Y/N returned to the Malfoy tent to find Narcissa was sitting on a chair and reading.

"Back so soon Y/N?" Narcissa asked as she looked at him and smiled.

"Yes, thought I shouldn't just get back here early." Y/N said as Lucius arrived.

"Well, I'm going to start getting ready. I'll call you if I need your help." Narcissa said as she went upstairs.

"Ah, L/N. Well, the minister will be meeting me here soon so I'd like you out of sight, preferably out of mind." Lucius ordered as Y/N smiled wryly.

"Of course." Y/N said calmly before leaving, heading upstairs.

Entered Narcissa's room earning a grin from her as she shrugged off her dress, revealing the lacy underwear she was wearing. She couldn't hide the smile on her face when she saw the look of adoration for her body and the look of pure lust in his eyes. She stepped forward and kissed him passionately.

Y/N's hands roamed her body lovingly as he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes

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Y/N's hands roamed her body lovingly as he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes.

"How long have we got?"

"30 minutes, barely enough for one round." Narcissa said as Y/N sighed.

"Shame." Y/N said as he smirked at Narcissa.

"Where do you want it?"

"I don't care where, just make sure we're both done by the time our half hour is up." Narcissa said as Y/N smirked before picking her up, Narcissa wrapped her arms and legs around Y/N.

"Lucius, It's good to see you." Cornelius Fudge said as he smiled, shaking hands with Lucius.

"Minister, welcome." Malfoy said as he smiled.

"How is Narcissa?"

"Oh, she's just upstairs, getting ready. You know how women are with their make up." Lucius said as Fudge laughed.

Narcissa was sat on the makeup table, leaving lipstick marks all over Y/N as he put his cock into her tight pussy, she had to bite on his shoulder to muffle the moan caused by his insertion.

He thrust into he gently at first, kissing her on the neck as he started to pick up the pace, Narcissa's lave knickers were hanging off of her left foot while her lace bra was on the table next to her.

She felt Y/N's hands caressing every inch of her body with pure adoration, she felt like a goddess being worshipped, she felt his lips kiss their way up from her shoulder, to her neck, then to her jaw and finally to her lips, Narcissa let out a moan muffled by the kiss as she moved her hands to his scarred cheek, running her thumb over the scars lovingly.

"-I suspect Dumbledore will soon try and take power from you minister." Lucius said.

"Yes, his actions have been increasingly worrying for my position recently." Fudge said as he looked to Lucius. "But he hasn't committed a crime, I can't have him arrested."

"You're the minister, you can do what you like-" Lucius was cut off when he heard a bang followed yell from Narcissa's room upstairs, followed by another yell, and another.

"I say Lucius, is Narcissa alright?" Fudge asked as Lucius stood up.

"I'll just go and check on her, excuse me minister, I won't be long."

Y/N heard the stairs creak and used helped Narcissa get dressed into her underwear before hiding behind the door.

A knock came and Narcissa approached the door.

"Act like you've banged your toe." Y/N whispered as she nodded before opening the slightly, with Y/N stood next to her, hiding behind the door. Narcissa was hopping.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes love, sorry, hit my foot on the dresser." Narcissa said as Lucius looked at her with her left foot slightly raised like it was hurt.

"Okay, do you need any help my little Black Dahlia?" Lucius asked, causing Y/N to silently make a disgusted 'yuck' face.

"Okay, do you need any help my little Black Dahlia?" Lucius asked, causing Y/N to silently make a disgusted 'yuck' face

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"No thank you love, why don't you get back to the minister, I'll be finished soon." Narcissa said as she moved her right hand which was hidden by the door down to Y/N's cock and started to pump it.

"Very well, let me know if you need help." Lucius said as he left, the door closed and Y/N looked at her.

"My little Black Dahlia?"

"Breathe a word to anyone and I'll kill you." Narcissa said as Y/N chuckled. " Especially Bellatrix."

"What's the fun having some information like that if I can't even bribe you with it."

"Blackmail not bribe, now come on, get back to it." Narcissa said as she pulled down her knickers again and leaned in to kiss Y/N who smirked.

"How long left?"

"Three minutes." Narcissa answered as Y/N chuckled to himself.

"Best take a shortcut then." Y/N said as he knelt down and started eating Narcissa out causing her to slap a hand over her own mouth as she did her best to muffle her moans, Y/N smirked before spanking Narcissa just gently enough that it couldn't be heard from downstairs before moving his other hand to her clit, he spanked Narcissa again and her eyes rolled back as she came hard, her back arching as she covered her mouth, tears of pleasure forming in her eyes.

Y/N stood up and looked at her before leaning in and kissing her.

"I love you." She whispered to Y/N who smiled.

"I love you too." Y/N said as he leaned in and kissed her again.

"You should sneak to your room, get your clothes and get a shower, make it look like that's what you've been doing this whole time." Narcissa said as Y/N nodded.


"Y/N, be careful." Narcissa said as Y/N chuckled.

"I'm always careful." Y/N said cockily before leaving, sneaking to his room to begin getting ready for the evening...

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