A New Face At The Table...

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Y/N and the girls arrived at the Great Hall, with Y/N sitting down with Harry, and noticing Ron was still glaring daggers at him, what he didn't notice was Daphne approaching, taking a seat next to Hermione.

"What are you doing here?" Ron asked as Y/N looked up, even Potter was shocked by Ron's tone towards Greengrass. "Snake table is over there."

"What's your problem?" Ginny asked as Ron looked at her.

"Oh nothing, nothing, just the fact that he's cheated on you with Hermione, and then cheated on Hermione with a Little Miss Slytherin over here."

"Ron!" Y/N snapped as he looked Weasley in the eye. "First of all, as I have told you already, I did not cheat, nor would I ever cheat on anyone for that matter, because I am not a two faced backstabbing bell end. Ginny, Hermione, and myself are in a polyamorous relationship."

"What's that?" Ron asked as Y/N looked at him.

"Ginny, Mione, and me are in a relationship with one another, Hermione and Ginny are in a relationship with one another, and with me, and etcetera. As for what Daphne is doing over here, until she and I decide what to do with this marriage contract, she's considered as my betrothed, when we've made up our minds about that, Daphne, Hermione, Myself, and Ginny will discuss what's going to happen between us and Daphne. I don't understand why you have it in for me but it stops right now, understand?" Y/N said, his hand moving to hover near his wand as Ron looked at him, before sulking.

"Understood." Ron said as he looked at Y/N and then to Hermione. Harry decided to change the subject before anything started.

"So, what happened with Malfoy?" Harry asked as Y/N smirked.

"He insulted Hermione and Ginny, offered me to a duel, so I asked him if he wanted to bet on himself winning and he accepted, he agreed that if I won I got Daphne's marriage contract, and if he won, he would get to have Hermione or Ginny follow him around doing what he wanted, naturally I had a plan to make sure that would never happen, it was simple, he never made a vow, meaning I didn't have to go through with the bet if I lost, I knew he was likely to use that excuse if I beat him so I got some leverage in the form of his wand, and threatened to snap it unless he followed through on his word from the bet." Y/N explained as he smirked at his friends.

"How did you win?" Harry asked, hoping to hear he sprayed Malfoy with slime or something.

"Strap yourself in Potter, I'll tell you." Greengrass said as she started recounting the events earlier that day.

As Y/N was eating he heard Daphne going through the duel with Harry who laughed at Y/N yanking Malfoys feet from under him. Y/N heard Ginny and Hermione talking to Lavender and Parvati. Y/N was calm for a moment as he ate until Harry turned to Y/N with a smile.

"I hope you face Draco in the tournament, when he sees he's up against you he's going to fold like a red hot mars bar." Harry remarked as Y/N chuckled to himself, finishing his meal before.

That night the entire castle went to sleep early, with Y/N, Hermione, and Ginny sleeping in the room of Requirement, tomorrow was the Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch match and everyone wanted to see it or be in top form for it...

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