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Y/N awoke the next morning, looking down at the brown head of hair that belonged to Astoria that was resting over his heart, he smiled leaning down and kissing her.

Astoria looked up at him and smiled.

"Morning." She said as they heard a voice.

"Miss Greengrass! What are you doing here? When did you even get here?!" Pomfrey said as she looked at the two, while she was scolding Astoria, she also had a somewhat reluctant smile on her face.

"I couldn't leave Y/N in Hospital alone the way he was... and I wanted a cuddle." Astoria said as she smiled slightly when she felt his hand on his back, holding her calmly. He looked at her and smiled.

"It's fine Madam Pomfrey. I'm glad to have company." Y/N said as Pomfrey paused for a moment.

"Very well, but no funny business though. I don't want to have to clean the because of your recreational activities." Pomfrey said as Y/N chuckled.

"Very well Ma'am." Y/N with a grin on his face.

"Now, Miss Greengrass, please give me the space needed to carry out some tests on Y/N. I need to make sure he's okay while I decide how long he needs to stay in the hospital." Pomfrey said as she looked at Y/N. Astoria sat in a chair next to Y/N's bed and watched as Madam Pomfrey began running the tests on him.

Y/N remained still while Pomfrey checked his vitals.

"Well, your magic seems to have survived your little trip to the afterlife. Hmm, your blood is starting to reach passable levels, but you still need to stay in the hospital for the day and maybe the night if need be." 

He looked at Pomfrey before looking to Astoria who held his hand. Madam Pomfrey had to move a part of his shirt to look at his throat, the move also exposing part of his chest, revealing a series of scars on his chest, Madam Pomfrey looked at the scar and looked up at him.

"Having trouble finding my throat?" Y/N asked, looking at Pomfrey slightly agitated at her staring at his scars from years ago.

"Apologies." Pomfrey said as she looked at his throat. Y/N nodded gently before looking to Astoria, his hand tightening to around her hand.

"How is everyone else?" Y/N asked Astoria who looked at him.

"Hermione is still in a bit of a state. She couldn't sleep until Daphne, Ginny, and Cissa all held onto her." Astoria said as Y/N looked at her. "Daphne's putting on a strong face, but, well you know how she deals with things like this. She's not the best at handling emotional stress like this."

"Yes I know." Y/N said as he held onto his jaw slightly remembering a since gone pain. "Who's she punched?"

"No one, yet, but she might just change that if she sets eyes on Ronald at breakfast this morning." Astoria said as Y/N nodded.

"Hmm. How's Ginny doing?" Y/N asked as Astoria looked at him.

"She's working on keeping everyone calm." Astoria said as she looked at Y/N.

"Right." Y/N said as he looked at her. "You'd best be going to breakfast."

"Do you want anything?" Astoria asked as Y/N looked at her.

"French toast with banana's please." Y/N said as he looked at her, Astoria smiled.

"You never change, I'll see if I can get you some nutella." Stori said as Y/N smirked.

"I know what I like, sue me." Y/N said as Stori leaned in and kissed him.

"Take care Y/N, don't be an idiot now, yes? Get some sleep, we'll wake you when we get back." Astoria said as she smiled gently at him.

"As you wish m'lady." Y/N joked as Astoria giggled to herself as she left.

Y/N turned over in his bed and closed his eyes, trying to get some sleep.

Thomas was bringing in some new potions for Y/N, he started to order them in what order Y/N would need to take them, as he set the potions out in order, Thomas saw Y/N flinching in his sleep, sharp breaths could be heard from the boy. Thomas looked at him for a moment before shaking him awake, Y/N's eyes opened and his left forearm suddenly found itself pressed against Thomas' throat.

"Y/N, Y/N, it's me, it's Thomas."

Y/N looked at his older brother before holding him close.

"Thomas. I was remembering the skinner in Ohio." Y/N said as Thomas looked at him, looking to the scars on his chest.

"I'll bring Hermione here, you should be able to sleep then, both of you should." Thomas said as he looked at Y/N. "I heard Astoria." 

Y/N nodded before looking at his brother, and just nodded.

"For now, relax." Thomas said as he left calmly.

Y/N sighed and looked out of the window, thinking about the girls and smiling thinking about them all...

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