One Man...

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The next day Y/N looked around and saw a tray with a meal on it, covered to keep it warm, as he ate his breakfast, the doors opened and Adorabella entered the room.

"Good, you're finally awake." Adorabella said as she approached the monitor quill charts and examined them. "Okay, stay there for a just a second, take this potion."

Y/N took the phial and drank the potion. 

"Okay, that should help you get start walking. We're going to try and make it to the door and back." Adorabella said as Y/N stood up only to fall forward. He groaned slightly before crawling towards the door. "That's not walking Y/N."

"It's a start." Y/N remarked as he crawled along the floor, grabbing the handle on the door and using it to pull himself up to his feet. "How long until the potion kicks in?"

"Should be soon." Adorabella said as Y/N nodded.

"What... what kind of movement am I looking at here?"

"If I have anything to say about it, not much until you're back to an acceptable weight, Y/N, you lost a lot of weight in the hole."

"Bell. You know what happens if I can't do those bounties, what they offered me, I've got a job to do." Y/N said as Adorabella looked at him.

"A week, minimum. But you won't be in as good a physical condition as usual, no running for miles, you probably won't win a fist fight." Adorabella said as Y/N nodded.


"Is a matter of skill, you should be fine in that aspect." Adorabella said as Y/N nodded. 

"Where is my wand by the way?" Y/N asked as Adorabella looked at him.

"Safe, it's staying that way until you're discharged from my care." Adorabella said as Y/N cursed. "You need to take it slowly Y/N, you're no good to anyone dead."

"I'm no good to anyone here, I know how to kill him Adorabella, Voldemort, I know how to kill him, I just need to get a head start on him." Y/N said as she looked at him.


Y/N leaned in closer to her what he said caused her to go wide eyed.

"I need to visit my family home... hopefully I can find them." Y/N said as Adorabella looked at him.

"You're going to do all of this by yourself."

"Yes, and I know where one is. But first I need to get these bounties sorted, or at least ready to turn in, maybe I can used them to my advantage." Y/N thought as Adorabella looked at him with concern.

"What are you planning?"

"Nothing good." Y/N said as he nodded and started walking back to his bed, using the other beds for support until he reached Adorabella.

"Well, I would say that hopefully you should be up and walking well within the next week. Oh, and this arrived for you." Adorabella said as she handed him a note.


I hope you're okay mate, Hermione seemed worried about you in a letter she sent, she said that you haven't written to her all summer, when I asked Ron, he said the same. If there's something going on you can tell us mate, we're always here for you. As usual the Dursleys are less than favourable. If you get this, please, message me or Hermione, I know you and Ron aren't as close but he's worried about you too. I hope you're doing well.

Your friend,


P.S. You knocked one of Vernon's teeth out in first year, I saw him put in a fake tooth the other day.

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