Plan B and News...

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"Draco hadn't told them a thing." Y/N insisted as Hermione sighed.

"Did they suggest that he might know anything?"

"No, my guess is he's not trusted with that information just yet. Let's just say his father has survived as long as he has by being very careful, and very influential." Y/N remarked as Hermione looked at him. "There is however one person he might have told, that's if he does know something of course."


"His girlfriend. Pansy Parkinson." Y/N said as he looked at Hermione.

"And do you think she'll talk-"

"Put her in a room with Daphne and that cunt will sing like tweetie pie, that or let me have a go at beating information out of her, if for no other reason than it's nearly my birthday and I'll consider it a present." Y/N said as Hermione looked at him.

"Y/N, no, you're not beating Pansy Parkinson up." Hermione said as she looked at Y/N who huffed.

"Seriously, Hermione, you'd be doing me a favour-"

"I wouldn't, I know you're not the kind of person to hit a woman." Hermione said as she looked at him. "You're too good for that."

"You give me to much credit Granger... far too much. I'm not a good person, not usually." Y/N said as he looked away, staring off into the distance. They were interrupted by Harry and Ron bursting into the room, positively beaming.

"Did you do it?!" Ron asked.

"How did you manage to pull it off?!" Harry asked with a smirk.

"Do what?"

"Crabbe and Goyle were found sitting naked next to one another in the library." Ron said as Y/N's heart swelled with pride at what Daphne had done.

"No, I didn't do it. I beat them up, a friend of mine helped them find the school again." Y/N said as he chuckled to himself.

"You beat them up? Both of them? How?"

"With a smile on my face." Y/N remarked as he left. "I'm guessing Hermione is deciding to move onto plan B, maybe you two should talk to her, see if you can help her with anything."

As Y/N left, he headed down to the Magical Creature reserves and heading to the Thestral pens, looking at the creatures.

"You took something from me L/N, so I'm going to take something a lot dearer from you, give you a pain that will never leave you, a demon to haunt you, a phantom pain that will destroy you."

Y/N clenched his fist as he remembered it.

"You'll never get closure, and I know that will be worse than killing you, because you'll never be able to move on from tonight."

Y/N's mind went to Hermione, it was happening again, if McGonagall was to be believed, Hermione was in danger from this monster, she could be attacked at any moment, but Y/N had a feeling that this monster wouldn't just target muggleborns, he had a feeling it wouldn't stop until it was either dead, or it had consumed everyone in the school. His thoughts were interrupted when the Thestral brushed up against him. He brought his hand up to pet the creature.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" A dreamy voice asked as Y/N turned and drew his wand in an instant, pointing it at the source of the voice. "It's okay, it's only me Y/N."

"Luna? Wow, you look... good. Years have been kind to you."

"Thank you Y/N, they've been good to you as well." Luna said frankly. "Did you ever get a chance to read the interview my father published with you?"

"No, they don't allow the quibbler in my home." Y/N said as Luna walked towards him, joining him at the paddock fence.

"My dad says that interview got him a promotion-"

"Glad it helped someone." Y/N remarked. "I knew I wouldn't achieve anything with that."

"To the contrary, a lot of readers were on your side." Luna said as Y/N chuckled.

"You always do have a positive outlook on life Luna, but I'm afraid that readers seeing my side of things won't help me with what happened to me." Y/N said as Luna looked at the thestrals. 

"I should leave you to your thoughts. If you need to talk Y/N, you know I'm free to talk. By the way, Ginny Weasley was looking for you, she mentioned something about needing your help with hiding something."

As Luna left, Y/N looked to the thestral and petted it once more before leaving, heading back up to the castle to find Ginny and see what she needed his help with...

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