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Y/N arrived at Hogwarts after apparating to Hogsmeade and walking to the school, he approached the headmasters office and spoke the password to the statue, riding the top stair before arriving at the door to the headmasters office, he opened the door to see Dumbledore sitting there working.

"Ah, Y/N, I see you received my letter."

"Yes." Y/N said as he looked at Albus.

"I assume this has something to do with the tournament?"

"Yes, there will be three other schools here-"

"Three other schools? I thought it was the tri-wizard tournament." Y/N said as Dumbledore nodded.

"It used to be, the ministry has decided to involve one of the American schools in the tournament." Dumbledore said as Y/N nodded. "So naturally, we'll be needing a larger number of staff in the kitchens working to support the three schools."

"And the elves payment?"

"I've taken the liberty of writing you what they will be paid for their services, should they desire payment that is." Dumbledore said as Y/N nodded and looked at the sheet of paper. "I would be welcome to negotiations if you wish?"

"No, their pay seems in line with the usual rates I pay, you do know moving them here isn't going to be a simple apparation job? Me and the elves will have to travel here, luckily I've got something for that exact purpose, but given how the ministry isn't a big fan of me or my method of transport, I'll have to charge a fee for my troubles of avoiding any trouble."

"How much will that be?"

"30 Galleons... per elf." Y/N said as he looked at Dumbledore.

"Y/N, you'll need to bring at least a minimum of 100 elves, that's 3000 galleons. The tournament prize is offering 1000." Dumbledore said as Y/N looked at him.

"Well, good luck then." Y/N said as he stood up and went to leave.

"Wait... 15 Galleons per head, I'll even throw in some special privileges for you." Dumbledore said as Y/N paused.

"Do tell." Y/N said with a grin.

"Such as you can have more Hogsmeade visits." Dumbledore said as Y/N paused for a moment.

"Throw in two barrels of Rosmerta's best firewhisky, and it's a deal." Y/N said as he looked at Dumbledore who sighed.

"Fine, and two barrels of fire whisky on top of everything." Dumbledore said as Y/N nodded and offered his hand, Dumbledore took it and they shook on the deal.

"Marvellous, I'll go and gather a crew right away." Y/N said with a grin before leaving, heading down to Hogsmeade and walking into the three broomsticks.

"Oi, lad, no underage-"

"He's all right Jack. He's a friend of mine." Rosmerta said as she smiled at Y/N.

"Hello Rosie." Y/N said as he walked towards the counter.

"Hello Y/N. What'll it be for ya then luv'?"

"I'd like to make a reservation here, a recurring one."

"Oh? Which room?" Rosmerta said as Y/N handed her a sack of Galleons.

"Best one you've got. For the year." Y/N said as Rosmerta looked in the pouch of galleons. "Half is for the room, the other half is for... other business."

Rosmerta looked at him, he gestured over his shoulder to everyone and then nodded to the back room.

"Jack, take the orders, I'll see to them in a minute." Rosmerta said as she led Y/N into the back room. "Well?"

"I may be meeting a few friends, people who... aren't on the ministry's best side. I'd very much appreciate it if you could keep it between me and you that they were ever here." Y/N said as Rosmerta looked at him.

"Y/N, my word is sacrosanct, you know this but before I go making promises like that, I need to know what I'm getting into."

"Sirius and Bellatrix Black, they're innocent, both framed for crimes they didn't commit. They're helping me finish Voldemort off, once and for all."


"He's got Horcruxes, hidden throughout Britain, but he's an idiot, and I've figured out what artefacts a few of them are, I've also figured out the rest of them. So Sirius and Bellatrix are going to... assist me in the "acquisition" of these antiquities." Y/N said as Rosmerta nodded.

"I'll keep my mouth shut, but you'd better not be bringing a whole pile of trouble to my pub young man or I'll be barring you." Rosmerta said as Y/N smirked.

"Come on Rosie, you know me, I'm too good for Aurors." Y/N said as he looked at her.

"True. Before you go. I hear you and a few girls have been... getting to know each other pretty well recently, that wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the room reservation would it?" Rosmerta asked playfully as Y/N smirked.

"Nothing at all." Y/N said with a smile as he left, with Rosmerta shaking her head and smiling before walking out after Y/N, who left the pub and apparated to Free Isle...

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