Graveyard Shift...

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The two boys found themselves in a graveyard, with Harry recognizing it instantly, the sight alone knocked the sheer dread into Potter.

"You okay?" Harry asked as Y/N nodded.

"Yeah, you?" Y/N answered.

"I've been here a dream." Harry said as he found a tomb stone with Tom Riddle's name on it. "We have to get back to the cup. Now!"

They heard a door creak open. They turned and saw him, Wormtail, a cauldron appeared with a fire underneath it and Harry fell to the floor in pain holding his scar. 

Y/N said and did nothing.

"Get back to the cup! Ah!" Y/N looked from Harry to Wormtail and saw him holding a horrifyingly ugly baby.

Wormtail used his wand to put Harry in blinding pain as he lifted Harry up and pinned him against a statue of the grim reaper while Y/N was stood nearby removing the glamour on his wrist, revealing the Dark Mark. He then removed the glamour charms on the rest of him, revealing he had a colt revolver on his right hip and a lever action rifle on his back, with the stock showing over his left shoulder.

"Do it! Now!" Voldemort said as Wormtail turned to the cauldron and dropped Voldemort into it.

"Bone, of the father, unwillingly given." Wormtail said as he used his wand to pick up a bone from a grave and deposit it into the cauldron. "Flesh of the servant...willingly sacrificed."

Wormtail cut his own hand off.

"Blood of the enemy...forcibly taken." Wormtail said as he cut Harry's, dribbling the blood into the cauldron. "The Dark Lord shall rise...again."

Harry began screaming as Y/N was forced to watch his friend endure agony while Lord Voldemort was reborn from the cauldron. It was him, Voldemort, a bald pale humanoid with slits for a nose similar to a snake, a detail that Y/N found hilarious, he could be reborn and he chooses to be born looking like he did. Y/N was silent, standing by while his mark burned.

Voldemort ignored the remark and walked over to Wormtail, his black robes flowing behind him.

"My wand, Wormtail." Voldemort said as Wormtail produced a wand. "Hold out your arm, Wormtail."

"Oh, thank you master." Wormtail said as he held out his stump.

"The other arm!" Voldemort snapped as Y/N grinned Wormtail. Voldemort pressed his wand into Wormtails Death Eater tattoo, the mark of the Dark Lord appeared in the sky and black mist rocketed down and turned into Death Eaters, dozens of them. Y/N glared at one in particular, and the death eater in turn looked back.

 Y/N glared at one in particular, and the death eater in turn looked back

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"Lucius." Y/N said with a growl in his voice.

"No witty remark Y/N?" Lucius said cockily as Y/N looked at his eyes through the eyes of Lucius' mask.

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