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"Happy 18th Birthday, Y/N." Y/N heard Hermione's voice say, his eyes opened to see her sitting on his bed.

"How... McGonagall." Y/N said as Hermione nodded, she leaned down and hugged Y/N. The curtains on Harry's four poster opened revealing Cho Chang in the arms of Harry.

"Someone's getting their oats." Y/N joked as Hermione slapped his arm.

Later, after getting washed and dressed, Y/N stepped into the common room where he was picked up by the Weasley twins who paraded him earning cheers from Y/N's friends.

"18 today!" The Twins cheered as they put Y/N back down. "You know what that means?"

"Birthday digs." Seamus called out as Y/N laughed.

"Well, don't break your hands on them." Y/N said as Harry was the first. "Let's call this you getting even for the other week."

"Yeah." Potter said as he and all the boys in the room took turns giving Y/N 18 digs on the arms. And most of the girls in 3rd year and above gave him 18 kisses on the cheek, with Ginny joining in and blushing as she kissed his cheeks. Hermione was as red as tomato as she blushed. As they left the Gryffindor tower, Y/N saw Daphne and immediately smiled again.

"I see your friends have avoided your face, someone must have some suiters of the male variety." Daphne said as Y/N looked at her. "And the lipstick, well that was going to happen."

Y/N nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Y/N!" A voice called out, suddenly, Y/N was nearly tackled to the floor by Astoria rushing in and hugging him.

"Morning Stori." Y/N said as he returned the hug.

"Happy Birthday Y/N." Astoria said as she smiled at him before spotting the lipstick marks on his face and she giggled to herself when Daphne approached and gave Y/N 18 kisses, with the last kiss being on the lips.

Daphne left, taking Astoria with her. Daphne's hips were swaying as she did, almost everyone, male or female, had their eyes glued on Daphne's backside.

Y/N realised he had been staring before looking around at everyone else.

"Pervs." Y/N remarked. Hermione looked blushed slightly as she saw Y/N covered in lipstick marks of various colours.

They all headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast where McGonagall saw the state of Y/N as friends from other houses, including Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, Padma Patil, all came up and gave Y/N birthday kisses while boys like Cedric Diggory came and gave Y/N the birthday digs on the arm, with Cedric ruffling Y/N's hair.

"Congratulations." Cedric said as Y/N chuckled.

"Thanks Ced." Y/N said as Professor McGonagall smirked. As Y/N was eating breakfast, the doors opened and his older Brother, Thomas, walked in, approaching him and leaning close.

"Three broomsticks tonight, drinks are on dads money." Thomas said as Y/N smirked.

"Well, if he insists on paying." Y/N said cheekily as Thomas smirked.

"Oh, Y/N. Next time, if you want to visit, just do so, no need to get yourself attacked by a dementor." Thomas joked as Y/N chuckled.

"It was seeing you that nearly finished me off." Y/N remarked as Thomas let out a laugh before leaving.

As Y/N received smiles and looks due to the many lipstick marks on his face, McGonagall approached.

"Mr L/N. Happy Birthday." She said as she smiled at Y/N.

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