Dear Diary

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Y/N found Ginny in the Gryffindor common room, she was sitting on the couch looking at a black leather book in her hands, something on her face told Y/N she was worried. As he walked up to her Ginny looked to him.

"Y/N." Ginny said as she smiled at him.

"Evening Ginny, how are you doing? Luna said you wanted to talk to me?" Y/N said as he took a seat next to Ginny.

"I need your help with this diary." Ginny said as she handed it to Y/N, as he took hold of the book, Y/N looked at hit and could feel an overwhelming sense that somehow the book was disgusted with him, though he both didn't care and thought it was just him being crazy.

"Okay, how so?" Y/N asked as he looked at the book, turning over to look at the back. "Tom Marvolo Riddle, funny, I remember going to his house recently."

"Do you know where he is, maybe we can give it back to him." Ginny said as Y/N looked at her.

"I don't think the house was occupied, looked like it had been out of use for some time. What's wrong with it the diary anyway?" Y/N asked as he looked at it, then to Ginny who went pale in the face. "What? You write something embarrassing in there?"

"Yes." Ginny answered a little too quickly as Y/N paused to look at her. He opened the book and flipped through it to see the pages were blank. 

"What you use, invisible ink?" Y/N asked sarcastically as he looked Ginny in the eyes.

"It's got a charm on it. I made it so that it won't reveal what I write to anyone but me-"

"Then why are you worried about what you've written in it?" Y/N asked as he could Tell Ginny wasn't telling him the whole truth. "Ginny, what aren't you telling me? Whatever it is, I'll keep it secret, believe me, I know how to keep secrets."

"No, it's nothing, I just, I don't want it and I don't want someone finding it and breaking the charms." Ginny said as Y/N nodded.

"Lock it away until you either get a chance to get rid of it discreetly or in case you change your mind." Y/N said as he stood up and looked at Ginny who nodded, blushing slightly at him looking at her, she looked down to hide the blush while Y/N went to leave.

"Y/N... thank you, for coming to help with... well this." Ginny said as Y/N nodded.

"Of course." Y/N said as he smiled at her, leaving her blushing as he walked out of the common room, thinking to himself.

He headed down to the library to join Hermione who was reading.

"Hello Y/N." Hermione said as Y/N smiled.

"Hermione. How're things going?"

"They could be better, I'm looking at plan B, and well, it would take a month to complete, and I'd need someone to steal me a lot of supplies for it." Hermione said as Y/N paused for a moment.

"What kind of supplies?"

"Potion ingredients." Hermione said as Y/N smiled.

"Well, well, Hermione Jean Granger, stealing from people I don't like is a specialty of mine, as it happens, I don't like Snape." Y/N said as Hermione looked at him.

"Y/N, you won't be able to get everything all in one go."

"Good, I get to rob him more than once." Y/N said as Hermione looked at Y/N and rolled her eyes, they both turned at the sound of a voice.

"Mr L/N. There you are, I was wondering if I could talk to you in my office?" McGonagall said as Y/N looked at her and nodded.

"Of course." Y/N said as he stood up, McGonagall looked to Hermione.

"Apologies, Ms Granger, but Y/N may be unavailable until evening feast." McGonagall said as Hermione looked at Y/N.

"Okay, not to pry professor, but did Y/N do something?" Hermione asked as she looked at Y/N.

"No, this is concerning something else." McGonagall said as she led Y/N away to her office...

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