Camping Trip

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Y/N awoke early in the morning to the door opening, revealing Narcissa.

"Come on boys, time to get up." Narcissa said as she looked at both Y/N and Draco.

Y/N looked at her and couldn't help but smirk inwardly at the sight of her in her tight fitting robe.

"Draco, get a shower, Y/N, would you start on making some food." Narcissa said gently as Y/N nodded.

"What would you like?" Y/N asked as Narcissa paused for a moment.

"Just some toast, we need to be out early today."


"Bacon sandwich please." Draco said somewhat nervously.

"And don't forget to make something for Lucius."

"Where's your bleach?" Y/N asked as Narcissa rolled her eyes.

"... Y/N."

"Joking... half." Y/N said as he left, heading to the kitchen.

As Y/N served the food he handed Draco and Narcissa their food. before handing Lucius "slightly" burned toast and underdone bacon.

"What is this?!" Lucius remarked as Y/N sat down with a perfectly made bacon sandwich.

"It's a bacon sandwich." Y/N said calmly Narcissa had to hold back the smirk she wanted to give, seeing what Y/N had done.

"Go back and do it again." Lucius demanded as Y/N raised his brow.

"No time, of course, you could always get off of your arse and do it yourself if you want a new one." Y/N said as Lucius looked at him.

"You serve this house and I demand-"

"Nothing, you demand nothing of me, Mr. Malfoy. My service is to Mistress Black or her sisters and them alone." Y/N said as Narcissa fought back a smirk yet again.

"Very well. Tinky! make me a small breakfast, and if I'm not satisfied, I'll iron your fingers." Lucius said as the small house elf nodded before leaving. "Best hope I'm satisfied Y/N."

Draco saw Y/N's hand moving to his wand slowly, Narcissa noticed it as well, she watched as Y/N clenched his hand into a fist before relaxing.

"Best hope no harm comes to that elf, or ministry raids will be the least of your worries." Y/N said as he looked Lucius in the eyes.

"Enough, Y/N, you've finished your meal, go and get washed and changed. We leave soon." Narcissa said firmly as Y/N nodded.

"Yes... mistress." Y/N said as he left, heading away.

As Y/N and the Malfoys were walking towards their meeting point, Y/N couldn't help but glance at Narcissa's arse in her dress, he smirked to himself.

As Y/N and the Malfoys were walking towards their meeting point, Y/N couldn't help but glance at Narcissa's arse in her dress, he smirked to himself

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