Mad-eye Moody Mysteries...

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"Alastor Moody. Ex-Auror...Ministry malcontent...and your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?" Moody said before looking around the class, the silence weighing heavy in the air. "When it comes to the Dark Arts...I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"

Hermione was about to answer but hesitated, looking to Y/N who she knew for certain knew the answer as well as her, but he made no effort to answer the question. Hermione decided to pick up the slack.

"Three sir." She said, her voice wavering like she was ashamed to even discuss the subject.

"And they are so named?" Moody asked as he began writing down on the board.

"Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them will--" Hermione began but was cut off by Moody.

"Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban, correct." Moody growled as he ferociously wrote down on the board. "Now the Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different!"

The class slightly jumped at their teacher yelling, most apart from Y/N who kept a steely gaze on moody.

"You need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared." Moody turned to face the board turning his back to the class as Seamus was about to stick his used bubble gum under the table. "You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk, Mr Finnigan!"

"No way. The old codger can see out the back of his head." Seamus whispered as Moody turned around and threw the chalk at Seamus.

"And hear across classrooms!" Moody said, he was expecting to hear the chalk hit Seamus or the floor but instead it hit neither. Moody turned to see Y/N with his hand in the air holding the chalk, the boy tossed the chalk back to Moody and gave a stern look. "Mr Potter, you have the honour, what curse shall we see first."

Y/N said nothing, he just glared at moody, sizing him up. He had gotten to know Moody in great detail over the years, but so far nothing matched up from what he knew this man to be apart from his physical appearance.

"Very well...Weasley!" Moody snapped.

"Yes?" Ron whimpered.

"Stand." Moody ordered, Ron cautiously rose to his feet. "Give us a curse."

" dad did tell me about one." Ron whimpered meakly.


"The Imperius Curse." Ron stated.

"Oh, yeah, your father would know all about that. Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why." Moody said as he turned around and headed over to a jar with a spider in it, he let the spider climb onto his hand before using Engorgio to enlarge the spider so that it was visible to everyone. "Imperio."

Moody began making the spider jump from person to person, planting it on Rons face, Y/N was about to stand up and interfere but Moody stopped and moved on to Malfoy, Moody was laughing the whole time he did this.

"What should I have her do next, jump out the window?" Moody said, the spider flew towards the window but landed on a giant magnifying glass. "Drown herself?"

The spider was suspended over water before being summoned back to Moody's hand

"Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding under the influence of the Imperius Curse. But here's the rub: How do we sort out the liars? Another, another." Moody monologued before the class raised their hands, with Y/N keeping his hand down and looking at Moody with a glare that would make Professor Snape or Hermione proud. Neville put his hand up. "Longbottom, is it? Up. Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology."

Neville nodded nervously and Y/N knew what was coming anyone who knew about Nevilles parents knew.

"Th-there's the, um...The Cruciatus Curse." Neville stuttered as Y/N felt bad for him.

"Correct, correct. Come, come. Particularly nasty. The torture curse. Only one person is known to have lived through it for an extended period of time and not end up in st Mungo's, and they're in this room, isn't that right Y/N." Suddenly the room turned to look at Y/N who glared at Moody.

"Y/N?" Hermione said to him as he looked at her blankly.

"Oh yes missy, your boyfriend there spent six days under a cruciatus curse, it nearly drove him mad, some say it did drive him mad. He's never mentioned it has he?" Moody said as Y/N looked at him with a deadly glare, Moody turned to the spider. "Crucio!"

The spider began squealing and squirming in pain, Neville looked on in horror, Y/N held a neutral look on his face as he watched the scene. Hermione noticed the disturbed look Neville had on his face.

"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop it!" Hermione snapped, Moody glanced to her and then to Y/N who was still glaring at him before looking at a disturbed looking Neville. Moody picked up the spider in his hand and carried it over to Hermione, holding it close to her, she refused to look Moody in the eyes.

"Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse, Miss Granger." Moody proposed, Hermione shook her head as Y/N held her hand under the table, rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. "No? Avada Kedavra!"

A green energy came from Moody's wand and hit the spider, killing it instantly.

"The killing curse. Only one person in history is known to have survived this one...and he's sitting in this room." Moody said as he looked over to Harry, Y/N comforted a distraught Hermione as Moody eyeballed Harry and drank from the flask again.

When the lesson was over, Y/N stayed behind as he stood there in front of Moody.

"Something you wish to discuss boy?" Moody growled.

"We've encountered one another on many occasions Alastor, we've grown something resembling a mutual respect for one another's methods, but that was wrong. Showing the Crucio curse like that to Neville was plain wrong. There's something off about you, I don't know what it is, like you're planning something."

"Well I look forward to you finding out." Moody remarked.

"If you are planning something, if I don't like will stop." Y/N said coldly as he looked at the teacher.

"Who are you to judge? You've killed more men than the Dark Lord himself." Moody said before leaving the room. "I can't wait to hear your apology to me."

"I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you." Y/N said as he left

The rest of the quartet were waiting outside for Y/N who used the same clothes spell to change back into his uniform he was walking with them staying at the back of the group.

"Brilliant, isn't he? Completely demented of course and terrifying to be in the same room with, but he's really been there, you know? He's looked evil in the eye." Ron remarked.

"There's a reason those curses are unforgivable. To perform them in a classroom. I mean, did you see Neville's face?" Hermione said as Harry nudged her. She turned to see Neville looking out the window with a haunted look on his face, Y/N walked up to him and spoke to Neville.

"Neville? Come on, let's get you to Madame Pomfrey, you look a bit woozy." Y/N said as Moody arrived and put his hand on Nevilles shoulder.

"Son? You all right? Come on. We'll have a cup of tea. I want to show you something." Moody said, both he and Neville left heading back to class. 

"I think you've shown him enough for today." Y/N said as Moody turned and looked at him.

"Careful Y/N, we both know what would happen if we fought one another." Moody said as Y/N looked at him.

"Same as last time." Y/N said as he looked at Moody.

"Beginners luck." Moody remarked before leaving.

Y/N was silent as he was dragged to a nearby broom closet by Hermione while Harry and Ron went with Seamus...

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