Happy Birthday Ginny!

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Y/N was at the evening feast with Hermione and Ginny, the two of them laughing and giggling with one another as they were close to Y/N.

"Did you really not notice the signs?" Ginny asked as Y/N looked at her, her "18 today" birthday badge pinned to her uniform.

"I thought I was delusional." Y/N said as he looked at the girls.

"You weren't." Hermione said as she leaned in, kissing Y/N on the cheek. "Now, I know that there is a room where the three of us can have some privacy."

Y/N looked at them both.

"Wait, you're both really willing to do this?" Y/N asked as the girls nodded.

"Y/N, look, we really do want this. We want to be with you, and with one another." Hermione said as Y/N turned to Ginny who nodded.

"Pinch me." Y/N remarked earning a laugh from the two girls.

"Come to the Room of Requirement five minutes after we leave." Hermione said with a wink, the two girls stood up and left, with Y/N leaning back in his seat and watching them both leave.

"What have you got yourself into now Y/N." He remarked to himself as he looked back to the table, he looked a down the table and saw Ron looking at him, he looked angry, something that confused Y/N.

Y/N waited five minutes before standing up, leaving the hall and heading to the Room of Requirement, he walked in and heard the doors lock, he turned around to see Hermione and Ginny waiting for him, with Ginny wearing golden lace underwear, while Hermione was wearing scarlet red lace underwear.

Y/N's mouth dropped as he looked at the girls who smiled, they were lying on a king sized four poster bed.


"Are you going to stand there staring with that basilisk in your trousers, or are you going to join us?" Ginny asked as Y/N smiled at them, taking off his tie as he approached them both, undoing his shirt, he took his shirt off and climbed into bed, climbing from the bottom of the bed and getting face to face with the two girls, he kissed both of them, tracing his right hand up Ginny's thigh while kissing Hermione, his tongue winning the battle for dominance over hers.

As Y/N deepened the kiss with Hermione he took his hand from where it was resting on Ginny's waist and moved it up to her left breast, feeling her tit through the lacy bra she was wearing.

Hermione looked over to Ginny who was smiling at how Y/N was feeling her tits up, she watched as Ginny knocked the hand Y/N was using to stay upright as he was on all fours when he crawled up the bed, Y/N fell face down onto Hermione, his face between her breasts, before the girls rolled him onto his back, they were either side of him as they started making out with him, Y/N began kissing Ginny while running his hands over Hermione's body,

Hermione let out a small whimpering moan when she felt Y/N squeeze her arse, she looked at the noticeable bulge in the front of Y/N's pants and moved her hand down to it, beginning palm Y/N's erection through his pants.

Ginny meanwhile was kissing Y/N, their tongues fighting for dominance, Ginny smirked as she felt a hand reach between her legs and start teasing her pussy through her knickers.

"Y/N, don't worry, we want this... we want you." Ginny said as Y/N looked at her before nodding.

Meanwhile, Hermione had undone Y/Ns belt and started taking his trousers off, looking at the tent in his boxers with her mouth slightly open, she licked her lips slightly before looking up at Ginny who chuckled, moving down the bed so that she was next to Hermione, the two girls took Y/N's boxers off, allowing his cock to spring free from the confines of Y/Ns underwear.

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