To The Victor Go The Spoils

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As Y/N arrived at his room with Professor McGonagall, she looked at a painting of a Pirate.

As Y/N arrived at his room with Professor McGonagall, she looked at a painting of a Pirate

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"Good day M'lady McGonagall... Password?"

"Hello Captain Sparrow, allow me to introduce Y/N L/N, he'll be the new occupant of this room for the next year, or longer if he manages to win next years tournament." McGonagall said as she looked at him proudly.

"Ah, a champion, welcome... you're not a eunuch are you?" Jack said as Y/N smirked.

"No, last I checked." Y/N joked. 

"Thought not, oi! Get back to work you scavvers dogs!" Jack yelled at his crew earning a smirk from McGonagall. Y/N smirked giving a salute.

"Password please luv." Jack said to McGonagall.

"Freedom." McGonagall said as the painting door opened, Y/N and McGonagall entered the private quarters, Y/N looked around. "It's all yours

"It's amazing." Y/N said as he looked around.

"You may have visitors of course, the common room can fit a good number of people in here. Then, as I'm sure Miss Granger will be delighted to know, there is a private library."

"Well I'm never getting Mione out of there." Y/N said as McGonagall smirked.

"There are two Bathrooms just in case one is in use... a training room where you may practice your spells, a small kitchen... and your bedroom..." McGonagall said as she led Y/N up a set of stairs until they entered a large room with a huge window, the entire quarters was themed in the colours of Gryffindor, with a huge scarlet red four poster bed, there were bookshelves in the walls and a small area for working as well. "I assume you are aware of the how to vanish and conjure items?"

 "I assume you are aware of the how to vanish and conjure items?"

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"Yes Professor

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"Yes Professor." Y/N said as McGonagall nodded, she drew her wand and vanished a chair, speaking the incantation, before conjuring it once more, again speaking the incantation to show Y/N how to do it, just in case he was rusty. "Thank you, Professor."

"Congratulations Mr L/N." Professor McGonagall said as she smiled at him. "Get some rest Y/N."

And with that McGonagall left, Y/N looked around before sitting down and thinking to himself, he received an alert from the Captain's painting outside, claiming that a lot of girls were waiting for him outside.

"Ask for their names, please." Y/N said cautiously.

A few seconds passed.

"Hermione Granger, Daphne Greengrass, Narcissa Malfoy, and Ginny Weasley." The captain said as Y/N nodded. "Would you let them in please Captain, they're allowed in any time, even when I'm not present."

The door opened to reveal all of the girls, smiling proudly as they approached him...

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