Asking For A Favour...

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Y/N was training in the Room of Requirement, fighting 15 training dummies, he was fighting off the waves of spells before, feeling a pain start up in his throat where his wound was playing up again, he swished his wand and stopped the exercise, holding his throat.

"For fucks sake, Y/N." Y/N muttered to himself as he sighed before holding his neck, he left the room, heading to his room and pouring out some water, drinking it down as he tried to sooth the pain in his throat.

The portrait door opened and Y/N looked to see Daphne and Ginny walk in, they smiled at him as they headed to a table and started working on homework.

"Everything okay Y/N?" The girls asked as Y/N nodded. Pausing for a moment as he looked at Daphne.

"...Y/N?" Daphne said inquisitively as Y/N spoke.

"Do you have access to the Slytherin Common Room Private library?" Y/N asked as Daphne looked to Ginny for a moment.

"Yes, though I try and avoid the common room for obvious reasons." Daphne began as Y/N thought for a moment.

"Do you think you could get me in there?"


"I need to look through it for the mention of something."

"What is it exactly that you'd be looking for?"

"The Gaunt family shack, I need to know it's location." Y/N said as Daphne looked at him.

"Very well, but I doubt there will be anything there, your best bet is Amelia Bones, she'd have records of the place." Daphne said as Y/N thought for a moment before nodding.

"You haven't happened to have seen Susan lately have you?" Y/N asked as Daphne thought for a moment.

"Last I saw her she was hanging out with Hannah Abbott in the Great Hall." Daphne said as Y/N nodded he moved to the two girls and kissed them both.

"I love you, both of you." Y/N said as he smiled at them, putting on his hat that had now become a part of his regular outfit, and walking out of the room.

As he arrived at the great hall, Y/N found Susan talking to Hannah.

"Y/N..." Harry began as Y/N nodded.

"Sorry Harry mate, can this wait it's important." Y/N said. "It's hunting business."

"Oh, yeah, sure."

"Promise I'll talk to you later, I just need to ask if Susan can help me with contacting someone." Y/N said as he approached the Bones Heiress.

"Evening Y/N." Hannah said as Y/N smiled at her.

"Hannah, how're you doing?"

"Great, Hannah was telling us all about you." Abbott said as Y/N raised his brow.

"Not all bad I hope." Y/N said with a smirk, earning a giggle from the girls. "Susan, can I have a word with you for a moment, in private?"

"Sure." Susan said. "Back in a minute."

As Y/N led Susan away he led her out of the hall as he spotted Moody at the teachers table and didn't fancy testing the aurors hearing with his suspicious behaviour recently.

"Y/N? What is it?"

"Are you able to contact your aunt?" Y/N asked as Susan nodded.

"Yes, I write to her each week, why?"

"I need you to contact her and ask her to meet me at the Three Broomsticks tomorrow night, ask her to bring along anything in regards to the gaunt family. Names, places, anything at all." Y/N said as Susan looked at him.

"Why? You have a line of communication with her don't you?" Susan asked as Y/N nodded.

"Yes, but the ministry like to check in on it from time to time, I don't particularly want the likes of Lucius Malfoy or Corbin Yaxley finding out about what I'm looking for or else they'll move it."

"What is it you are looking for?"

"I think I've found the last piece of the puzzle to killing Voldemort." Y/N said as he looked at Susan. "I need to move fast and ensure he's vulnerable, and then... I'm going to kill the cunt."

"Y/N, you understand that going against You-Know-Who is suicide enough, never mind on your own." Susan said as Y/N smirked.

"While I appreciate the concern Susan, not to worry, I've got it all figured out." Y/N said as Susan paused for a moment before smiling at him mischievously.

"Make it worth my while. I send the letter, you... thank me when I send it." Susan said as she smiled at Y/N who caught on.

"Well, I suppose it's a fair trade." Y/N said as Susan nodded.

"I'll write the letter, when I've sent it off, I'll come find you." Susan said as Y/N smirked leaning in and kissing her.

"Atta girl." Y/N said as he and Susan went their separate ways... 

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