Desperate Measures...

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"Y/N, you do understand you could be arrested just for talking about this, I'm obliged to do arrest you." Amelia said as Y/N nodded.

"Yes, and you understand what's at stake if I don't go through with this plan. Voldemort returns, people die, including Susan, neither of us want that. Neither of us want old Tommy Riddle back, so grant me fifth freedom privileges." Y/N said as Amelia looked at him.

"How do you know about those-"

"I've been exorcising them for a few months at least." Y/N said, removing his watch and the glamour that came with it to reveal the Death Eaters Dark Mark on his forearm. Amelia drew her wand on him but he didn't move for his.

 Amelia drew her wand on him but he didn't move for his

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"You're... you're a death eater."

"Yes." Y/N said calmly as he looked at her. "I'm doing what I have to to ensure the safety of your niece and all of my friends."

"Meaning you throw in your lot with Voldemort?" Amelia said, sounding betrayed.

"Yes." He said leaning in and whispering. "Put privacy wards up." 

He looked at her, she thought for a moment before putting privacy wards up.

"Is there any possible way for someone to hear what I'm about to tell you?" Y/N asked as Amelia looked at him before looking around, checking that everything was clear.

"It's clear, talk fast or I'll throw you in a cell!"

"I'm working to kill Voldemort. I've figured out how, and I need to be there when he returns so that I can kill him. The best way is for him to summon me there when he's back. I've been exorcising my own fifth freedom. I need you to make it official for me or I will be unable to kill the bastard."

"Y/N... Few Heads of DMLE have ever granted the Fifth Freedom. Do you know how it even works?" Amelia asked as Y/N nodded.

"It's the right to defend our laws, by breaking them. To safeguard secrets, by stealing them. To save lives, by taking them. To do whatever it takes to protect our country or indeed our world. The Fifth Freedom is mine alone." Y/N said as Amelia nodded.

"Y/N... giving you that authority, if this goes wrong, it could lead to us both taking oral lessons from a dementor..."

"And if I can't do this it could lead to everyone taking oral lessons from a literal fuckin' Snake." Y/N said as he looked at Bones. "Fudge is burying his head in the sand to a threat that is slowly digging the fuckin' beach up. I need that authority to stop this bastard, and Fudge can stay blissfully unaware of how close he came to war."

"How did you know about the fifth freedom authorities?"

"Because I've been granted them once before..." Y/N said as he looked at Amelia.

"Then you know the risks?"

"Yes, but if we don't take those risks Susan is going to be getting a different kind of snake than the one she thinks I have."

"Ew." Amelia thought for a moment. "Point made though."

There was a long pause as Amelia looked at the boy who was willing to do whatever it took to stop Voldemort, she knew that he would either stop Voldemort, or die trying.

"Very well, I, Amelia Bones, head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, hereby grant you, Y/N L/N, the Fifth Freedom. You now have the right to defend our laws, by breaking them. To safeguard secrets, by stealing them. To save lives, by taking them. To do whatever it takes to protect our country and indeed our world. The Fifth Freedom is yours alone." Amelia said as Y/N nodded, the pair of them pausing for a moment before Y/N put his watch back on, and with it the glamour charmed on it, hiding the dark mark.

"Thank you... Ma'am." Y/N said as Amelia nodded.

"Y/N... don't cock this up, for all our sakes." Amelia said as Y/N paused for a moment.

"Of Course, Ma'am."

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