Top Broom

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Y/N was racing Harry around the Quidditch pitch, with Potter on his Firebolt, and Y/N on his own broom, The Hexer 3500, it was a broom from Poland. The broom handle itself was black, with the area that Y/N would hold onto when flying wrapped in black leather, the very tip of the handle looked like a pommel, it was almost like a handle that belonged on a sword, there was an insignia on the metal pommel, it was the image of a wolf baring its fangs, the rest of the broom was made of a shiny light metal, seemingly silver, but it also had a cushioned seat. The bristles on the broom were finely clipped, it was obvious that Y/N took great care of his broom, as the bristles were clipped for form small waves like those in one's hair. The small cushion had two small metal loops, one on either side, looking like a stirrups.

The broom had come from Y/N's parents who lived in Poland, he too spent his summers in Poland, however, he was not of Polish descent, instead, his parents simply lived there for convenience, after all... even with magic it would be a bit much for ones daily commute to be across multiple countries and borders.

Y/N was hardly new to brooms, as a matter of fact, he was quite knowledgeable. He and Harry both loved racing their brooms, with both being top of the line in their country of origin, The Hexer had a slightly higher top speed than the firebolt, especially on the corners, however the Firebolt was able to accelerate to it's top speed faster. If Y/N wanted to win this race, he would have to make his advantages in the corners count.

Y/N leaned his weight into turning the broom and it rotated ninety degrees to the left while the broom sharply turned left, and speeding ahead of Potter, the pair could feel the wind in their hair and laughing as they raced, Y/N checked over his shoulder before turning a corner again, and gaining an advantage.

Y/N tried to stay ahead, making sure that Potter couldn't overtake him before turning and speeding off they both raced towards one of the quidditch hoops, Y/N looked to his right and saw Harry, the wind rushing over them both, the pair laughed in joy before Y/N took a slight lead before passing through the tallest hoop shortly before Harry, with Y/N celebrating his victory by fist bumping the air. Harry laughed before flying over to Y/N, the pair sharing a handshake.

"What did you say the top speed on The Hexer was again?" Potter asked as Y/N smiled.

"170 in 10 seconds." Y/N said as he and Harry descended towards the floor. "The stirrups do help a lot in cornering especially when you're having to lean the weight in there to help the cornering. I like to keep the bristles trimmed like this to make it a bit more aerodynamic. Top Speed is 210 miles an hour. Unbreakable breaking charm same as the firebolt, gives you a brilliant amount of control in the corners, unless you're looking to go to space, this is the best broom currently available on the market anywhere in the world."

Harry was gobsmacked.

"Apart from the Firebolt." Potter said with a smile.

"No, The Hexer is the best. In all fields it is a better broom."

"Yes, but this is more popular." Potter said as Y/N laughed.

"Look, Harry, let me make this clear, The Hexer is the fastest, it's the best in corners, it's the best stability, the best control, it looks better. In terms of equipment, I've got a Dyson 500 hoover and you've got some manky old rake from the garden shed." Y/N said as Potter guffawed.

"Yes, but you are hard pressed to say that this is bad, I can see it in your face."

"I'll admit, this firebolt is a brilliant broom, but A) I like the Hexer more, and B) The Hexer is just better. This is brilliant..." Y/N said as he pointed at Harry's broom before moving onto pointing at his own. "... but I like this."

"Okay, you're on, race from here to Hogsmeade our friends are there for the next hour, they'll be the referees, loser buys everyone in our next class a butterbeer

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"Okay, you're on, race from here to Hogsmeade our friends are there for the next hour, they'll be the referees, loser buys everyone in our next class a butterbeer."

"Okay, but just so you know I like mine with chocolate orange flakes sprinkled on top." Y/N said as he mounted his broom. "You can do the count down."

"Okay, ready, steady... GO!"

And so the two boys shot off in their race to Hogsmeade...

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