Shopping With The Grangers [1/2]...

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Y/N was awoken by Hermione, immediately Y/N's hand went for his wand only to remember where he was. He relaxed immediately upon seeing his bushy haired friend smiling down at him, her two large front teeth showing.

"I saw you were asleep earlier and decided to give you some time. You must be shattered." Hermione said as Y/N nodded.

"I've been worse." Y/N said as he looked at her. "Least the bed is comfier than what I've had since returning from Hogwarts."

Hermione's face softened at his words before she moved to pull him in for a hug only for Y/N to stop her.

"Best not, I don't want to take advantage of you parents hospitality by breaking their rules." Y/N said calmly as he smiled at her.

"Of course." Hermione said with a slight smile and a blush. "Dinners ready."

As Hermione stood up, Y/N looked away from her and out of the window before standing up, running his hand over his face and walking to the window, looking out at the street below, he sighed to himself before following Hermione downstairs to find Mrs Granger serving up a plate of Lasagne.

"I made enough for each of you to have second servings if you feel like it, I know you didn't get any breakfast Y/N."

"Thank you Mrs Granger, I appreciate it." Y/N said with a smile as he sat down next to Hermione who noticed her parents glancing at his scars every now and then.

"Y/N, might I ask how you got those scars?" Mrs Granger asked as  Y/N paused for a moment, thinking.

"I got them from a Troll I encountered last year." Y/N lied as he looked to Mr and Mrs Granger, Hermione looked confused for a moment.

"A Troll?" Mr Granger asked as Y/N nodded.

"Yes sir. I was quite some way away from the school, trying to get some peace and quiet to study, when I felt the ground shaking beneath me, when I turned I saw the troll smash a tree, two huge splinters flew at me and cut me." Y/N lied as Hermione was now even more confused, she was looking between Y/N and her Parents.

"Did you know about this Hermione?"

"No, I was in the library, but I remember Y/N having to wear stitches for a few days." Hermione said as she looked at her parents before looking to Y/N. "I didn't know that was how you got those scars Y/N?"

"Yes, not my proudest moment." Y/N remarked with a chuckle as he looked at Hermione, the look he was giving silently asking her to go with the bluff.

The next day Y/N woke up and got washed and dressed before heading down to breakfast.

"Good Morning Mr L/N." Mrs Granger said as Y/N nodded.

"Morning Ma'am, Morning sir." Y/N said as he nodded to Mr and Mrs Granger. 

"We're going shopping today Y/N, you're welcome to join us if you'd like." Mrs Granger said as Y/N thought for a moment before looking to Emma.

"Sure, why not? If nothing else, I'll help earn my keep carrying the bags for you both." Y/N said earning a smile from Emma and Thomas.

"Okay then, well, Hermione's in the shower, You have your breakfast while we're all getting ready." Emma said as Y/N nodded.

"Okay then." Y/N said as he looked through the selections of cereal.

As Y/N sat there eating his cereal he heard someone coming down the stairs, he looked to see Hermione walking into the kitchen.

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