Quidditch With The Grangers

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Y/N and the Grangers arrived at the quidditch stadium, with Y/N taking the lead.

"Y/N, are you sure about this?" Hermione asked as she walked alongside him.

"Of course, it was the least I could do to thank you and your parents for your hospitality."

"No, are you sure my parents will be allowed in?"

"Yes, don't worry, I've worked out a deal with someone."


"Y/N!" A Man said as he smiled.

"Mr Bagman, good to see you."

"Last time I saw you, you were a little knee high lad trying to trick me into placing a losing bet. When your father was talking to the minister about a sport event."

"Last I saw you my brother won the game against your team." Y/N said with a smirk as he looked at Bagman. "Anyway, Mr Bagman, I'd like you to meet the Grangers, They've been good to me, and I'd like to take them to their first quidditch game... well, Mr and Mrs Granger's first game anyway."

"Well, you'll be pleased that I've managed to get the four of you in the VIP area, consider it a token of friendship Y/N, and a thank you... on behalf of my house elf." Bagman said as Y/N nodded.

"Thank you Ludo."

"Of course Y/N. Happy to do it." Ludo said as he smiled. "It's promising to be a good one, I know that."

"Really now... care for a wager?"

"With you? I'm not drunk, ask me later." Bagman said as Y/N chuckled to himself as he gestured for the Grangers to follow him.

"What was that?"

"That was Ludo Bagman, he's in charge of sporting events and such. Imagine him like the wizard equivalent to the president of FIFA, only without the corruption." Y/N said as Thomas smirked at the comment. "We should be just up here."

Y/N and the Grangers found their spots, with Y/N looking at Hermione who was still coming to terms with him seemingly being on a first name basis with a high ranking ministry official.

"What did he mean that this was a thank you on behalf of his house elf?" Hermione asked as Y/N paused for a moment.

"Nothing." Y/N said as he looked her in the eyes. "It was nothing, he just felt like mentioning something to try and mess with me, I'm embarrassed about it really."

Y/N sat down and sighed, clearly it was more than he was letting on, but Hermione saw it was a particularly sore subject.

As the game began, Y/N explained the rules to the Grangers who nodded, watching as the players soared about on their brooms.

"Do you play this Hermione?" Thomas asked as Hermione smiled.

"Oh, no, I'm not that good at flying, but Y/N is one of the youngest players in a century along with Harry."

"Wow, so what position do you play Y/N?" Thomas asked.

"Chaser. It's not that impressive really, I've been riding brooms pretty much my whole life." Y/N said as he smirked. "I've spent more free time in the air or on the water than I have on land."

"You mustn't get much free time in the holidays." Emma said as Y/N smiled.

"Hardly any, which is why I like Hogwarts so much, at least it grants me more freedom than my home."

"When did you first fly a broom Y/N?" Emma asked as Y/N paused for a moment remembering the flights with his one time lover those years ago. His first kiss with her as they rode the brooms alongside one another while bathed in the moonlight, he thought back to her dark hair framing her face. Y/N stood up.

"Excuse me please." Y/N said as he left, leaving to find somewhere quiet.

As Y/N stood outside the stadium he took in the night sky above, he looked at the stars and closed his eyes, imagining he was using them to navigate like he had used to years ago, he was pulled from his thoughts by a voice.

"Wotcha Y/N!" A voice called out, Y/N turned to look at the source of the voice, a girl, she looked to be in her early twenties.

"Do I know you Miss?"

"it's me, Tonks!" the girl said as Y/N looked at her.

"Tonks?! How long has it been-"

"Eight years, just before-" Tonks said before she was interrupted.

"Yeah... before." Y/N said muttered as he sighed to himself. "I thought you'd be a bit busy with auror training to stop by the match. Or... please don't tell me they sent you for m-"

"No, they didn't, you're quite safe." Tonks said as Y/N chuckled.

"Safe? Tonks we both know I'm faster." Y/N said as Tonks smirked before raising both of her eyebrows. "Not like that!"

"Mmhmm?" Tonks hummed as she smiled at Y/N who shook his head with a scoff. "So how are things with you?"

"Not much has changed, well, apart from living with the Grangers this summer." Y/N said as Tonks nodded.

"That girl and her parents who you arrived with? She seems nice, pretty too-"

"Let me stop you right there and then ask that you never mention this subject again." Y/N said as Tonks smiled.

"Aww, does wittle Y/N have a cwush of the pwetty giwl?" Tonks said in a baby voice as Y/N sighed.

"No, but Y/N is about to hex your arse to surrey and back if you're not careful."

"We both know you like me and my arse too much to do that-"

"No clue what you're on about. Now if you don't mind, I'm off to check the score." Y/N said as he left, heading back to his seat next to Hermione.

The next day, Y/N and Hermione were on the train together, waiting for Harry and Ron to arrive, but there was nothing, not a sign, Y/N put his feet up on the bench opposite him and closed his eyes while Hermione continued reading the Lockhart book out loud.

"Y/N, here's one. 'The tribespeople are amazing people, their ability to smile when all they want to do is scream is a lesson to all of us.'" Hermione said reading a quote from the book, she looked up to Y/N who gave a smile.

"Look, Hermione, no offence, but he's talking a load of bollocks, he's so far up his own arse he's risking getting himself pregnant." Y/N said as Hermione paused and let out a sigh before setting back to reading, only this time she chose to read in silence, the pair of them constantly wondering where Harry and Ron were... 

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