The Maze

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Y/N awoke the next morning with the girls in his arms, his eyes opening and looking down at the girls, he leaned in and kissed all of the girls on the forehead before climbing out from his bed and heading to the bathroom, getting washed and then dressing in his usual clothes.

He checked his satchel and took a moment to think before sighing.

"You'd best be right about this." Y/N said to himself as he looked at the ring and then at his wrist, which was glamoured to hide his dark mark. He looked back at the girls on the bed as he thought about what was to happen today, one way or another, he doubted he would see tomorrow, when the sun rose in the morning, it would be him dead, or Voldemort, but whoever it was, they'd be waking up in hell tomorrow.

He looked at a photo he had of him and his little sister, Remi.

"Forgive me Remi."

Y/N headed down to his small study and started writing a letter, he addressed it to Amelia Bones before sending it off.

At the sun began to set, everyone gathered by the giant maze that had been erected specially for the tournament. The Champions began to arrive, Cedrics father escorted him on, Fleur walked on by herself, Igor escorted Krum, Dumbledore escorted Harry, and Thomas escorted Y/N.

"Silence!" Dumbledore roared using the amplify spell on his wand. "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the tri wizard cup, deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now as Mr Diggory...Mr Potter...and Mr Y/N...are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Ms Addams, then Mr Krum...and finally Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup, will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should at any point a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants! Gather round."

The champions all gathered around Dumbledore.

"In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead you'll face something even more challenging. You see people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can. But be very wary. You could just lose yourselves along the way." Dumbledore warned as Y/N turned to Harry and nodded, then to Cedric, then to Wednesday, then to Krum, and then to Fleur.

"Good luck, may the best Mage win." Y/N said as they all nodded in agreement.

"Champions, prepare yourselves!" Dumbledore announced as the champions all readied, with Y/N feeling an overwhelming sense of concern with the unknowns of the maze.

Y/N, Harry and Cedric all waited for the cannon and then the bang came, Cedric and Harry walked in hesitantly, Y/N turned to his friends and lovers in the crowd and smiled at them, this one felt strange, and Y/N couldn't explain how.

As they walked into the maze, the entrances closed behind them and the first three contestants were all hit with the sense of loneliness, Y/N walked cautiously through the Maze looking for anything, mostly for Harry, Y/N wandered through the maze until he eventually felt like he was going in circles, he heard running and saw Fleur running frantically, she looked terrified, like something was after her, he decided to help. He followed Fleur until he heard a scream, he found Fleur being chased by a branch.

"Courir! (Run!)" Y/N said as he took her hand and lead her away from the pursuing branches.

"Le labyrinthe est vivant ! (The maze is alive!)" Fleur said. Y/N said nothing and they kept running until they were in the clear.

"Stay here, I'll find the others." Y/N said as he went to walk away but before he could he heard branches creaking, he turned to see Fleur get dragged into the Maze walls and he couldn't save her. He picked up Fleurs wand and used Periculum to send a flare into the sky from her wand, hoping that the teachers could save her.

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