The Demise of Denise...

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"Y/N! Y/N! Thank God you have come. That wretched animal, Denise has been sent to oversee a massacre in El Sueno. Come, we must stop her and finally kill that vermin and all of Aldo's other followers. Go now. My men will show you the way. I will stay with the camp." Selena said as Y/N mounted up on his Thestral immediately, he wanted his pound of flesh from Denise, and he had a few questions for her.

"It is good that you are helping Selena." A rebel named Javier said as he rode alongside Y/N.

"It's not right what happened to her father. She's a brave girl." Y/N said as Javier nodded.

"She can fight as well as any man." Javier said as Y/N nodded.

"She ain't the only woman I've seen fighting for Jesus." Y/N remarked.

"Yes, women...even children. Everybody must become a soldier if we are to win this war." Javier stated as Y/N looked at him.

"That's a lot of sacrifice. I just hope it's worth it." Y/N remarked.

"It is better to die free than to live as slaves. Were you a soldier once, compadre?" Javier asked as Y/N chuckled.

"A soldier? No, I never was much good at takin' orders." Y/N joked as Javier laughed with him.

"So where did you learn about those curses, they teach you that in school?"

"I guess some banks aren't easy to get in on the weekends." Y/N remarked.

"It was impressive what you did at the bridge, destroying that convoy. The army is getting weaker by the day." Javier stated as Y/N nodded.

"I'm sure there's more supplies where those came from." Y/N remarked.

"And we will destroy those too. Aldo is scared, and making mistakes. We are closer to Victory than you think. We will speak when we get there. We must save our energy. El Sueno is just up ahead." Javier said as they arrived at the graveyard known ironically as El Sueno.

"Tell your men not to open fire 'til I make a move. We don't want to give them a chance to escape. And leave Denise to me. I need that cunt alive." Y/N remarked as Javier nodded.

"We will wait for your lead, Señor." Javier stated as Y/N crept closer, using cover to hide from the aurors.

Denise had a rebel digging their own grave.

"En al nombre del gobierno no provincial del Coronel Aldo y del estado de este pais, te condeno a muerte por traición! Tienes algunas últimas palabras? (In the name of the non-provisional government of Ministro Aldo and the state of this country, I condemn to death for treason! Do you have any last words?)" Denise asked as she pointed her wand at the rebel. Before Y/N could act, the rebel was hit with a killing curse.

"Come on. Quick!" Y/N called to the rebels as he stood up and killed six guards with his revolver before using incarcerous to capture Denise. As the rebels killed the remaining aurors, Y/N walked towards the captured captain and grabbed her by the collar, dragging her away to Javier.

Soon, Y/N was beating Denise, he wasn't pulling his punches, and he wanted to hurt her for a longer time, so Crucio would make the pain to easy for her. He had beaten the woman until she was blue in the face, her left eye swollen half shut.

"You fucking pig! Go back to your country." Denise yelled defiantly after an hour of constant beating. Y/N delivered a punch hard enough that it also hurt his own hand.

"Where is Thomas Callahan?!" Y/N demanded, he went to punch her again before she spoke up.

"Wait, wait, wait. Okay. Alright! Alright... Shit... Alright. Guarida de súcubo. He's holed up there. Hurry up and kill me or just let me go. Okay?" Denise confessed as Y/N threw her to the floor before spitting on her./

"Can we kill this piece of shit now, señor, or would you like the pleasure yourself?" Javier asked as Y/N drew his wand and pointed it at Denise as she was on her knees begging.

"There's an old Mexican eulogy, 'Feo, fuerte y formal.' Means she was ugly, strong, and had dignity. Well, Denise... I'll give you one out of three on that front." Y/N said coldly before casting a killing curse, killing Denise instantly. "Now we're even, Captain."

"Sí! Viva Cristiano Jesus! It is done. Come on, now we find your friend. I am glad it was you, compadre." Javier said as Y/N walked alongside him.

"There's some things you gotta finish yourself." Y/N said coldly as they both mounted thestrals.

"That man is responsible for hundreds of innocent deaths, maybe even thousands. He will burn in hell." Javier stated.

"We all will, my friend." Y/N remarked bluntly.

"Castillo is dead. Denise is dead. The army is without leaders. We must move on Aldo now before it is too late." Javier said as Y/N stopped him.

"First you need to help me find Thomas Callahan." Y/N said as he set off with Javier and the Rebels

"Why are you looking for Thomas Callahan?" Javier asked as Y/N paused.

"We know each other, it's a long story, but I need him for something."

"Old friends make the worst enemies." Javier said.

"L/N: You're tellin' me."

"Callahan is known in this province. He was a revolutionary once but then he went to your country. Now they say he kills for anybody who will pay." Javier stated as Y/N nodded.

"That sounds about right." Y/N remarked. Eventually they arrived at Guarida de súcubo.

"This place is deserted. Is it always this quiet?" Y/N asked as his hand hovered near his weapons.

The silence was broken when Aurors swarmed out of the rooms and started attacking Y/N, and the rebels, Y/N drew his wand and gun before killing each and every auror without mercy, he checked every room and found Callahan was not there.

As he walked outside a prostitute passed him, Y/N stopped her.

"Hey you. Where's Thomas Callahan?" Y/N asked as he looked at her.

"Thomas Callahan? He hasn't been seen around here in months. You shot up this place for him, huh? I wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire." She answered as Y/N chuckled.

"I don't blame you. But Captain Denise said he was here." Y/N remarked.

"And you believed her? You must be more stupid than you look. Go shoot up some place else." She said as she walked away.

"I would say fuck you, but I'd probably catch something." Y/N remarked before shaking his head and walking away...

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