Looking For Answers...

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Y/N was sitting with Professor McGonagall.

"Why is Dumbledore trying to interfere with Harry's inheritance and the Potter line?" Y/N asked as he looked at the wall in front of him while Professor McGonagall sat next to him. "I mean, I know he's been raising Harry for the slaughter because of the horcrux, but this... trying to steal Harry's inheritance? Why would he do that? I'm no Holmes, but, there's no motive."

"I don't know dear." McGonagall said as she looked at him.

"Whatever his reason, I'm going to get it out of him, one way or another." Y/N said as McGonagall looked at him.

"Y/N, I don't want you being sent to prison for beating up or killing the headmaster." McGonagall said as she looked at Y/N.

"Aunt Minnie... I... I have to ask you something... were you involved in this?" Y/N asked as Minerva looked at him.

"No... but recently I've started looking back on some of his actions, and I'm beginning to see some... oddities in his behaviour." McGonagall admitted. £I just... I can't understand how he could do this to Harry."

Y/N thought for a moment.

"I don't know." Y/N said as he thought for a moment, but then Harry stepped out of the room with Ragnuk. "You okay mate?"

Harry's eyes were raw as Y/N stood up. Harry just shook his head and pulled Y/N into a hug, holding him, taking Y/N by surprise before he returned the hug.

 Harry just shook his head and pulled Y/N into a hug, holding him, taking Y/N by surprise before he returned the hug

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Harry held him tight.

"What? What is it?" Y/N asked as he looked at Harry who shook his head. "Mate, what is it?"

"Ragnuk, show him." Harry said as Ragnuk looked at him before showing Y/N a piece of paper.

Marriage Contract: 

(Husband to be) Harry James Potter.

(Wife to be) Ginevra Molly Weasley.

Marriage Contract signed by:

Molly Weasley (Nee, Prewitt), Mother of the Bride to be...

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Magical Guardian of the Husband to be...

A Child must be conceived within the first year of their marriage, in the event of the death of one of the parties, the surviving party will receive the entirety of their deceased partners vault.

This contract is to come into effect on the participants 19th birthday.

"Y/N?" McGonagall said as Y/N looked at Harry and then to Minerva.

"Y/N, I honestly had no idea." Harry said as Y/N looked at him and nodded.

"Y/N?" McGonagall said again as Y/N shook his head.

"Why? Why would Dumbledore do this?" Y/N asked as Ragnuk spoke up.

"Minerva, would you mind if I spoke with Y/N in private?" The Goblin asked as McGonagall looked to Y/N. He followed Ragnuk into the room and stood, his hands on the back of the chair. "Please, Y/N, take a seat-"

"I'll stand. It's not good for anyone if I sit down when I'm pissed off." Y/N said as Ragnuk nodded.

"Y/N, I understand that this must be difficult for you-"

"Difficult? I either hand over someone I love to be married to my best mate, neither of them want it, or else they both lose their fucking magic, difficult doesn't come into this!" Y/N snapped. "After everything I've been through for him and for this fucking world... CAN'T I WIN JUST ONCE?!"

"Y/N." Ragnuk spoke trying to calm the boy down.

"I've risked my life... hell, I fought in a war that still keeps me awake at night, I've spent years in prison simply because I refused to stand by and do nothing while innocent people suffer, because I did the right thing, and look what it's got me!"

"Y/N, I ask you to remain calm-"

"Why? Why should I be calm Ragnuk?!" Y/N asked as the goblin looked at him.

"Because there is a way out of the contract."


"Bring Ginevra here after the end of the year, Harry too, you see we can test for something, if her soul shares a greater bond with yours than Harry's then it can legally dispel the contract, but that's only if it's considerably stronger." Ragnuk said as Y/N looked at the Goblin.

"Soul bonds are formed by true loves first kiss Ragnuk, you know that."

"I know."

"Well, hate to break it to you, but Ginny and I have done more than kiss on many occasions." Y/N said as he went for the door.

"Then... hope is lost for you, I'm sorry." Ragnuk said as Y/N paused for a moment.

"Don't be sorry Ragnuk... just one thing, as Harry's guardian, Dumbledore has access to Harry's vault correct?"


"So does that make the adverse correct, does Harry have access to Albus's vault."

"No. Why?"

"I would have suggested a... compensation payment be made to Harry from Dumbledore's vault, after all, I would say what that old man is doing is close to line theft."

"Not close to... it is line theft." Ragnuk stated as Y/N nodded.

"Would you be willing to testify that to Amelia Bones?" Y/N asked as Ragnuk looked at the boy and thought for a moment, realising where he was going.

"You need him alive Y/N, at least if you wish to give the soul bond test a try. If you win the soul bond test, then he is forced to disavow the contract or risk, you, Harry, Ginny, him and Mrs Weasley losing their magic." Ragnuk said as Y/N took a moment to think.

"Fine, he'll live, at least until his usefulness is at an end." Y/N said as he left, heading out to Harry and McGonagall. "Let's go... Sick of this place."

As they returned to the floo chute, Y/N saw Ragnuk look at him and nod, with Y/N nodding back, he, Minerva, and Harry left, returning to Hogwarts, Y/N stepped out of the fireplace, and left without another word, with Harry watching his best friend leave.

"Why Professor, why would Professor Dumbledore do this?"

"I don't know Mr Potter, but I have every intention of finding out and putting an end to it however I can." Minerva said, looking at the figure of Y/N walking down the corridor. "If not for Y/N's sake, then for all of ours."

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