Y/N's Reward: Part 2

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Daphne climbed onto the bed and locked lips with Y/N in a heated kiss, the pair of them fighting for dominance over one another as she held Y/N's head. Greengrass straddled Y/N's hips and moved one of her hands down to Y/N's cock, she started teasingly pumping his cock, smirking as she saw Y/N give her a warning look.

"Na uh. I'm in charge big boy." Daphne said as she looked into Y/N's eyes.

"Daphne." Y/N groaned as Daphne slowed the pace of her strokes even more.

"You know what to call me when I'm in charge, I know you remember." Daphne said with a smirk.

Y/N leaned in and kissed Daphne on the neck before making his way down to her tits.

"That's not going to work on me Y/N." Daphne said with a teasing giggle. She loved to tease Y/N up when they used to make out in the abandoned classroom, she loved how she could make him so submissive when he was so dominant in all other aspects of his life. She loved how she could have him wrapped around her finger.

"My Lady." Y/N said as Daphne smiled as she picked the pace up again before looking over at Ginny being fucked by Hermione with the strap on replica of Y/N's cock. She had an evil grin on her face as she spoke.

"Hermione, would you bring Weasley over here, I'd like a bit of lubrication on Y/N's cock." Daphne said, clearly there was no negotiations.

Hermione guided Ginny over to Y/N and Daphne, the latter of which grabbed the red hair of Ginny and started making her suck Y/N's cock while being fucked by Hermione.

When Daphne was satisfied she let Ginny and Hermione move back to their own bed and then mounted Y/N's cock, lowering herself down onto his dick, Daphne let out a moan as she looked at Y/N and whispered into his ear.

"Your my first Y/N." Daphne whispered as she felt Y/N somehow get harder, she chuckled into his ear before teasingly biting on his ear lobe. "You should have known from all of our make out sessions that I would be a kinky and dominating bitch."

"Oh, I knew." Y/N said as he smiled. "But you should have known, I'm not that easy to dominate."

Y/N rolled them over so that he was on top and started thrusting into Daphne who moaned, laughing to herself at how much she loved Y/N despite their previous break up.

"Grrmf. Prove it." Daphne whispered into Y/N's ear seductively as Y/N started thrusting harder and faster, leaning in and sucking on Daphne's neck, she was letting out long strings of moans, her nails digging into Y/N's shoulders, as Y/N moved in for a kiss Daphne rolled them back over so that she was on top, she placed hands on Y/Ns chest and started bouncing up and down on Y/N's cock.

Y/N went to move his hands onto her but she grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head, leaning in and kissing him. Y/N looked at Daphne's tits, they weren't huge, but they weren't tiny, they were just a size above Hermione's and a size below Ginny's and they were just as beautiful, he watched as Daphne's tits bounced with her and he couldn't help but smile as he dug his heels into the bed before pushing with his right foot, rolling them over until he was on top once more, he put Daphne's feet up on his shoulders and leaned in so that she was folded in half before he started to pound into her, earning moans from her.

"Harder!" Daphne ordered trying to maintain the semblance that she was in control but Y/N chuckled.

"Oh no." Y/N said before slowing down and smirking. "Say the magic word."

Daphne's eyes widened at that, she didn't know the word, she racked her brain in search of the word before she realised Y/N was playing her for a fool, he wanted her to come up with one, he wanted to find out how kinky she was.

"Please. Harder!" Daphne said as she gave him puppy dog eyes. Y/N smirked before shaking his head. "Master!"

"There she is, there's the kinky girl I know and love." Y/N said as he started thrusting once more, thrusting into Daphne harder and managing to find just the right angle, he hammered Daphne's G-spot over and over, fucking her through an orgasm and quickly onto the next as she let out moan after moan.

Ginny and Hermione who were both recovering from their own fucking, with Hermione still fucking Ginny but at a much slower pace, were both watching in awe at Y/N, their boyfriend, dominating the Ice Queen Daphne Greengrass to the point she was calling him 'master', and both of them could easily admit, it turned them on to no end.

Y/N continued fucking Daphne to her fifth orgasm before he felt himself getting close.

"Daphne... getting close-"

"Inside, I'm on the potion." She said as Y/N let out a moan before cumming inside of Daphne's tight pussy, he pulled out and rolled off of Daphne who laughed before leaning over to Y/N and kissed him. "I suppose that's the marriage consummated."

Y/N broke into a breathless laughter at Daphnes remark before brushing her hair off of her face with his thumb, leaning in and kissing her.

"Was it as good as you imagined? Your first time?" Y/N asked.

"Better than I imagined. Then again, that's just you in general." Daphne said as she looked over to Ginny. "I think you have someone to take care of before the nights over."

Y/N looked over to Ginny who looked at him with a smirk, like she hadn't just spent the best part of an hour getting fucked.

"Well then, I can't afford to leave anyone out." Y/N said as he thought for a moment before looking at Hermione wearing the strap on replica of his cock.

He leaned down and whispered something to Daphne who looked at Ginny with a predatory grin.

"Oh, I can most certainly do that." Daphne said with her signature evil grin as she picked up her wand...


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