After The Ball

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Y/N was in his quarters admiring the view of his girlfriends in their Yule Ball dresses. Ginny, Daphne, and Astoria looked beautiful, but he had to admit, Hermione took the crown. Something about seeing her like this made him fall in love with her all over again.

Hermione approached Y/N and he moved his hand to her cheek before running his hand from her cheek, down her neck, and to her shoulder, Hermione smiled at him as he brushed her dress shoulders off of her shoulders, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips while his hands moved up to the exposed part of her back, Hermione and Y/N were battling with one another in the kiss for dominance, with Hermione's hands moving to untuck Y/N's shirt from his pants.

"It's almost a shame to get you out of this dress." Y/N said as Hermione smiled into the kiss.

"Well, this doesn't have to be the only time we all get dressed up." Hermione said as Y/N pulled her closer slightly.

"I like the sound of that." Y/N said as Hermione looked at him before nodding, he lifted her up while also lifting her dress up, pulling her knickers down.

"Careful with the dress." Hermione said as Y/N smiled before kneeling down and going under the dress.

Daphne, Ginny, and Astoria were confused for a moment before Hermione started moaning.

"You hissing bastard!" Hermione laughed as she let out a moan.

Y/N smiled as he used Parseltongue on Hermione as he ate her out.

"I love you too my beautiful bookworm. Cum for me!" Y/N said in Parseltongue, earning an orgasm from Hermione who had her hands on his head through her dress for support.

As Y/N crawled out from under Hermione's dress and standing up, kissing her on the lips and helping her out of the dress, his hand moving to her pussy and starting to finger her before he released his dick from his pants.

"You want this?" Y/N asked as Hermione nodded.

"I've wanted this all night." Hermione said as Y/N nodded, pushing her slightly, bending her over the slightly before penetrating her pussy, Hermione let out a oud moan as Ginny moved towards her and kissed her before she looked to Daphne and moved over to her and started to make out with her while Astoria moved over to Hermione and started kissing her and caressing her gently. "Stori..."

"Shh. It's okay Hermione, we're all here." Astoria said gently as she moved in for a kiss. "If you want us to stop, just say the safe word or pat us."

Hermione nodded before leaning in and kissing the younger Greengrass was mashing her lips into Hermione's lips due to Y/N's thrusts behind Granger.

Y/N contiued to fuck Hermione.

Hermione was soaring. Y/N was inside her! He was inside her! And he was thrusting into her with long strokes that stretched out her inner walls with each movement, and it was absolute, complete perfection, pulses of pleasure now erupting from within her own body as the boy she adored made love to her. She held onto him tightly with both her arms and legs, and each thrust drove involuntary little moans out of her throat.

"Oh, Y/N." She buried her face in his neck, managing to plant a single kiss as her body trembled. Failing any more than that, she lay her head on his shoulder, looking at the other girls unseeingly as her senses were consumed by everything that was Y/N L/N.

The Girls looked as Y/N continued to thrust into the girl they all loved. His pace had increased, and her moans and gasps were becoming more audible, her whole body now moving with every thrust.

Hermione gave a particularly loud moan, her body tensing, her hands clawing at Y/N's robes and her legs pulling him as tightly against her as she could. And then Y/N gave a particularly hard and deep thrust and stilled, his lips locking onto her neck as his body twitched.

Hermione sighed with utter contentment as she broke the kiss, resting her head against Y/N's chest. He tightened his arms around her, and she felt endless warmth, safety, and happiness as he held her close.

"This is perfect," she told him.

"I agree."

She didn't miss the undertone of pride in his voice, and smiled up at him. 

"I love you, I'm just sorry it took so long to realise it."

Now she looked confused, and she shook her head, then leant up and kissed him. 

"Well, it worked out in the end, and we made this a rather perfect Yule Ball night, I'd say."

It was then that Y/N seemed to recall that he had three other girls waiting for his attention.

Some of the heat that was still swirling through Hermione's body rushed up into her face when she realised the other girls were waiting for their turn with Y/N. But then she forced a shrug. 

"Well, at least they'll know that I've claimed you for my own."

"You've claimed me?" Y/N remarked with a raised brow.


He stared at her for a moment, then shrugged and looked around. 

"I can live with that."

Then his gaze paused.

"I don't suppose you want those anymore."

Hermione looked, and her eyes widened at the sight of her knickers on the corner of the couch.

She supposed it was just as well, as they would have been completely ruined by the mess currently dripping between her legs anyway. 


Y/N smirked as he looked to the knickers before turning to see a horny Astoria, Ginny, and Daphne all waiting for their turn. Hermione moved her mouth next to his ear.

"Good luck, love." Hermione said as Y/N smirked before getting back to work...

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