Joshua Graham ➵ Romantic

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Joshua Graham
Fallout New Vegas
Warning: Cursing

Joshua GrahamFallout New VegasWarning: Cursing

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I sat in Joshua's cave with him. He checked his guns, then handed them off to me, allowing me to clean them. I dropped one. Instead of picking it up I just stared at it, "Fuck."

He gave me a look, "I'd prefer if you didn't use such vulgar language."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm grown. I'll talk how I want."

No response.


We sat in silence, continuing our efficient gun checking and cleansing. I stretched my fingers out, "Can we take a break?"

He sighed, "If you require rest, who am I to stop you?"

"Thanks. Hey, I was thinking..."

He looked up at me and placed down his gun, "Yes?"

"What do you think of 'us'?"

"You'll have to be more specific."

"You know exactly what I mean, Graham. 'Us'. As in the two of us. Together."



He went quiet for a while before standing up with a small wince. He walked over to me, "Let's... take this outside, shall we?" We walked outside the cave, standing under the stars. He turned to look at me, "In all truth, and all honesty from the bottom of my heart, Y/N, you are a human being. But, somehow, you're doing more than just being human. You make the simplest things, into complicated designs, that no other mind could understand at first thought. I will not lie to you, I have thought about us romantically. On... more than one occasion. Yet, how could such a relationship work? You're a Vegas-local, and you'll have your needs, and I... don't think I can provide that for you."

I looked to him with a small smile, "Joshua, love isn't about the sex. If it is, then it's not love. I might be from Vegas, but I'm not from Gomorrah, alright? I love you because you're you. Not because of your dick."

His bandages shifted and I could tell he was smiling a little, "When you put your words in place... you certainly don't leave anything to the imagination."

"I'm blunt."

"I know, my dear."

"Have I told you how nice your butt looks in those pants?"

"Numerous times."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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