Joshua Graham ➵ Old Friends

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Joshua Graham
Fallout New Vegas
Warning: Cursing

Joshua GrahamFallout New VegasWarning: Cursing

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"N-No, you get the fuck away from me!"

I did my best to move away from the man in front of me. His eyes were darkly pleading, "You're hurt. Please let me help you. I can't see you die again."

Joshua Graham, that sick son of a bitch. We were engaged, if you could believe it, and I forced him to choose, me or the Legion. He chose wrong. He was a friend of my family, and loved by all my own until he... well... until he fucked up.

I stood up as best I could, knees quaking and blood pouring from my hip where a bullet grazed me. It wasn't bad, but it was a definite damper on my traveling plans. Joshua took a step forward, and I flinched, "You get away from me! You killed me once, and I'll be damned if I die near you again!"

Of course, my first 'death' was when he left me for Caesar. When he left me broken-hearted in New Canaan. When he gave me his ring and disappeared. Tears welled up, "I... I thought you were dead. Thrown into the Grand Canyon. Set on fire."

I looked into his icy eyes, and I knew it was really him, not just some other burnt man. He tried to aid me, and I moved away again. He sighed, "Please. Let me fix you. I want to speak with you."

I fell back into a chair, and he immediately took a roll of bandages and tape, and began to patch me up. Luckily the bullet hadn't stayed in my flesh, but rather took out a small chunk of it as it flew. I felt warm tears rush down my cheeks as I looked down at Joshua. He patched it up, and I shifted, wanting to get away. He gripped my shoulder firmly, "Please. Let me talk to you."

I stood up, wincing, "What is there to say, Joshua? You made your choice, all those years ago. And it wasn't me. I gave you a chance to speak, and you threw it out just as Caesar threw you."

He stared at me, looking to my hands, and taking them in his own, "I did. I... made the wrong choice, and it is now that I am paying the consequences."

I pulled my hands away, "My family, Joshua... Your family. New Canaan. Our home. Taken by Caesar just as you were taken from me."

He closed his eyes, "You were my family, and you are still here. New Canaan, it is gone... just as my wits are at the moment." He grabbed my hands softly, and I didn't pull away. He searched my eyes for mercy, "The Lord has thrown us together again. We were meant to be together, and now I know it. Please... at least think about it."

"The 'Lord'? Joshua, where was this Lord when New Canaan was murdered and when you left me? You hadn't seemed to care for your Lord then!"

"I know, my dear, but please just stay with me. Through trial and error, I am led back to you. Everything has always led back to you."

I stared at him, feeling the skin of his fingers, "Even engaged, you were never so very open about your feelings. I remember a lot about you Joshua, and I remember your emotions and how you expressed them. Why is it you really want me to stay?"

"My own, human reasons. Selfishness. I still hold a place for you in my heart, and I know you have a secluded space for me in your mind, a space you let no one see."

I raised a brow, "What makes you think that?"

"My wedding ring. It's on that chain around your neck, is it not?"

I pulled my fingers away, taking his ring off my necklace and holding it, looking him in the eyes, "Joshua, look at me. If I slide this on your finger, you have to swear to stay by my side."

"Forever and always, darling. I'm afraid I don't know any ordained ministers though."

I recalled how my father was supposed to wed us before our world went to shit. Simply smiling, I put the ring on his finger, "Just say the words."

"I do."

"As do I."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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